More Hypocrisy: Climate extremists FAIL in fake blood protest (using DIESEL machinery, duh)


Easily my favorite tweet of the day, watch the video for all the full effect of the bloody failure:

But imagine the hypocrisy of (A) using a massive diesel-spewing machine like a fire truck to pump your fake blood and advance your CLIMATE CHANGE CAUSE, and (B) using precious water to advance your CLIMATE CHANGE CAUSE, and (C) causing damage to buildings and streets which will require water and sundry chemicals to clean them, during this CLIMATE CHANGE “EMERGENCY,” to say nothing of (D) the huge unnecessary expense of law enforcement and the judicial system that will be required when the eight males and females who were arrested get process for their self-centered idiocy, wasting public taxpayer money which could have been used to “FIGHT CLIMATE CHANGE” or even something actually useful. Like extra law enforcement. Or mental hospitals.

Joel Johannesen
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