Thursday, April 25, 2024

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Mike Adams is smoking

Cigars.  Mike Adams talks cigars.  What’s this you say?  No politics?  Maybe something about leftist lesbian feminist students using cigars inappropriately as a symbol of male oppression in the cognac lounges of America? 

Well no, but actually it’s all about the politics.  Phew.  Here’s a snippet from “10 great cigars and why I smoked them” in the Columnist section.


For years, communism has been preventing me from enjoying a lot of good cigars. That used to bother me, until I found a way around the problem. As many of my readers know, there are more communists teaching on the average American campus than there are teaching in all of Cuba. And, of course, these communist professors do a lot of stupid things, most of which violate the United States Constitution.

I have learned that fighting American communist professors is fun, largely because they are so easy to beat when challenged. That’s why I smoke a cigar every time one of them goes down in flames. I also smoke one every time there is a victory for free speech on an American campus. Here of some of my favorite smokes, which have followed some of my favorite free speech victories:

Joel Johannesen
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