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Meandering through “progressives’” very own documents; it’s creepy; Orwellian…

A quote pulled from a Canadian government document

…the Commission [by which they mean the liberal-left’s very own Soviet-style CRTC division] is of the view that the composition of the digital basic service should be informed by the policy objectives of the Act [by which they mean the policy objectives of the Liberals’ very own Broadcasting Act], with a view to ensuring that subscribers have access to a basic service that, among other things:

  •  fosters the growth of Canada’s cultural, social, economic and political aims;

This CRTC division’s response was to an application from the state-owned and socialism-reliant CBC division, to reaffirm their mandatory (by government decree) carriage on all cable and satellite systems in Canada, as a part of all basic services.  Much as in Iran.  Or Venezuela. To wit:

Mandatory distribution of existing services on digital basic
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) requested mandatory distribution of the national specialty television programming undertaking known as CBC Newsworld on digital basic, and requested that the Commission issue a distribution order under section 9(1)(h) of the Act requiring all DTH satellite distribution undertakings and all Class 1 and Class 2 BDUs to distribute CBC Newsworld as part of their digital basic services.

REQUEST GRANTED …by the benevolent, ideologically identical other division of the progressives’ yummy government and its fantastic progressive social-engineering and central planning mandarins.

Of course the applicant itself —the CBC — added this tidbit to their application, possibly reflecting the fact that in normal, free-market conditions, with which the CRTC division and the CBC want utterly no part (quite the contrary), and since they have certain “political aims” and “policies” to advance:

The applicant also noted that, should CBC Newsworld not be granted mandatory distribution, the resulting decline in subscription and advertising revenues would lead to a need to reduce expenditures in the form of reduced coverage of events and documentary programming from a Canadian perspective.

From a “Canadian perspective”… you know, like their constant re-broadcasts, over and over and over again, of Micheal Moore “documentaries” and other such “documentaries” as Al Gore’s “documentary”.  THAT “Canadian perspective”.  Wink.  In fact, they tacitly acknowledge that they would fail — nobody would even watch — unless the government FORCED it on people as best they could. 

Then as if to prove that they simply serve to, well, stimulate themselves, and serve their own “political aims”, we find this additional “Assessment” from the CRTC division regarding a similar application from the Weather Network:


In the Commission’s view, while weather information is an important topic to Canadians, such programming is readily available in every Canadian community through conventional over-the-air television services on the basic service as well as certain specialty services, through radio and through sources outside of the broadcasting system, such as print media and the Internet. As such, the Commission considers that the Weather Network and MétéoMédia are not of exceptional importance in the fulfilment of the objectives of the Act and, consequently, should not be granted mandatory distribution on digital basic.

…Because after all, going back to the CBC application for reference, there is no CTV network, or Global network, nor any number of other private broadcasters which would magically spring up and also make themselves “readily available” in the absence of this CBC “public option” (—wink!).  And besides, what political aim is served by a private company showing cooling temperatures?!  And one which is not overtly advancing socialism and a stridently left-wing, progressive world view all day and night. 

In other weirdly related progressive-world news, the government is selling ad space to private Canadian companies to advertise on the CBC which we all already pay for and own.  However, upon my review (oh I admit it, I’ve done this review a thousand times), the CBC actually reserves the right to deny competitors from advertising on their very own CBC media. To wit:

Policy 1.3.11: Unacceptable Advertising
EFFECTIVE: June 20, 2006
RESPONSIBILITY: Chief Regulatory Officer


Some advertising is not accepted on CBC/Radio-Canada services, either for reasons of principle or commercial interest. This includes:

  • advertisements for services considered competitive with CBC/Radio-Canada services;

As I’ve suggested before, until the CBC is properly abolished as a state-owned media, and the prohibition of state-owned news and entertainment media is enshrined as it should be in our constitution, the CBC should, if anything, be required by law to carry all Canadian-owned corporate and organizations’ advertising for free —especially competitors’ advertising. 

But I really doubt I’ll find a document outlining that application by the CBC.  Or any socialist.

None of these things are core functions of government.  None of this is capitalism.  None of this speaks to freedom.

Joel Johannesen
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