McKenna the second Lib cabinet minister to get out of Dodge


Catherine McKenna is quitting — which, the news media points out in something of a re-write of history, makes her “the second” Liberal cabinet minister to announce their quitsies. The National Post writes, “McKenna is the second Liberal minister to announce that she won’t seek re-election after former Minister of Innovation, Science and Innovation Navdeep Bains.” Huh. Others, such as Jody Wilson-Raybould and Jane Philpott, might beg to differ. Apparently, they are but ghosts now. Didn’t happen! Actually, though, they left under different forms of quitsies, so yes, this is actually not “the second” but rather just the latest of those who have quit. I suspect more are in the wings. Many more should be.

I don’t know why McKenna’s really getting out. She’s a radical climate activist — an alarmist in the truest sense — and it’s quite possible even Justin Trudeau’s Liberals aren’t ready for her annoying northern version of AOC. Possibly because it simply doesn’t poll well enough, and polling is among the most important things in the world for the Liberals, Canada itself being a lowly 147th on the list.

And, I think, she’s quitting because she’s not up to the job of a cabinet minister. Any cabinet. Any ministry. Why? She appears to be obsessed with a particularly infantile and often outright unscientific version of the left’s climate jingoism. Her constant virtue signaling and haranguing and finger-wagging is repugnant. Repeating the same message over and over is just not on with me. She appears to have a disdain for, to borrow a phrase, “the deplorables” — those who don’t wholeheartedly agree with her. She’s convinced me of nothing, climate-wise, which you could argue is her job —and in fact, she’s solidified my opposition to her and all those in her alarmist set. Her tweets are Donald Trump bad

So this is good news for Canada, and, alas, better news for her Liberal Party.

And excuse my niggling — and let me say first that I wish her and her family well — but I found her tweet about her quitsies to be missing a little something. If I were her husband, I’d feel like crap after seeing this landmark tweet (complete with the childish emojis and such) in which she states that the two things that matter most to her are “my kids & the climate.” She could have said “my family & the climate” and included him — or even went ahead and added “my husband” — but hey, at least she put climate second and not first!

The seat will likely be taken over by former Bank of Canada governor Mark Carney, who is equally zealous about climate alarmism and is a Trudeau pal (two of the many rigid ideological requirements for the job of MP in Trudeau’s Liberal Canada). And, hopefully, Carney will be just as harshly criticized as McKenna was (and she was, sometimes improperly and rudely, unfortunately), for any crazy or banal tweets, hypocrisies, dishonesties, unscientific, non-data-driven propaganda, alarmism, haranguing, and hectoring.
Joel Johannesen
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