Tuesday, April 16, 2024

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Maybe if you step back a bit and get objective…

News you won’t find in ANY liberal mainstream media: 


President Bush gets hero’s welcome in Albania where they’re “proud to be partners”.  Huh.  Proud to be partners. And here we thought the whole world hated America just like the liberals and their media and academia here instruct us to do, because of that awful George Bush. 

“Proud to be partners”.  In Canada?  Not so much. Liberals here hate America and President Bush in order to serve their need to remain fashionable and trendy and relevant to themselves.  I wonder how Albanians view Canada and Canadians given the liberals of our nation and their propensity to so digracefully loathe their American hero, President Bush, and shun his global democracy-building, and tyranny-fighting and terrorism-fighting efforts (which Albania participates in as best they can, with 120 of their troops in Iraq and 140 troops in Afghanistan, with no plans to withdraw—in fact with plans only to remain there exactly as long as America does). 

“Albanians know the horror of tyranny,” the president said. “And so they’re working to bring the hope of freedom to people who haven’t known it. And that’s a noble effort and a sacrifice.” 

Liberals are against that. 

Bush Receives Hero’s Welcome in Albania

Nearing the end of an eight-day trip, Bush got a hero’s reception in this desperately poor country, still struggling to recover from being cut off from the rest of the world for four decades under the harsh rule of dictator Enver Hoxha. Hoxha died in 1985, and Albania emerged from isolation in 1990 but still is one of Europe’s most impoverished lands.

Cannons boomed salutes from mountains overlooking the capital. Huge banners proclaimed “Proud to be Partners,” and billboards read “President Bush in Albania Making History.”

At home, Bush’s job approval rating stands at its all-time low. But here, Prime Minister Sali Berisha said Bush was Albania’s “greatest and most distinguished guest we have ever had in all times.”

Throngs of people grasped Bush’s hands, arms and fingers on the streets of Fushe Kruje, a small town near the airport where he stopped to chat in a cafe with business owners. Unused to such adoring crowds in America, Bush reveled in the attention. He kissed women on the cheek, posed for pictures and signed autographs. Someone reached out and rubbed his gray hair.


Three stamps have been issued featuring Bush’s picture and the Statue of Liberty, and the street in front of parliament has been renamed in his honor.


Albania has 140 troops in Afghanistan and about 120 troops in Iraq – a presence that President Alfred Moisiu says will not end as long as the Americans are engaged there. Bush met here with some of the troops who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Joel Johannesen
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