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Friday, February 21, 2025
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“Here’s what you need to know” (wink).

Half the problem with the “news” media is their inclination to tell us “what we need to know,” when what that really means is “what they want us to know.” Filtering the news in this way to befit their ideological (or blatant political) agenda is a large part of why the public has lost trust in the “news” media.

Nevertheless, she persisted.

Like 2 minutes ago as I write this, the state-owned CBC division of the Liberal/NDP party posted on X about the “highly anticipated” (BTW that’s not an opinion, folks! It’s a fact! When describing terrorists like Hamas, “terrorist” is an opinion!) dental care social program that the more socialist wing of the party insist Canada adopt despite everything else.

If you’re anything like me you went looking for the information in the “news” story about how much this will contribute to Canada’s deficit and $1.2 trillion debt. Or how much taxes we will have to pay for this thing — a thing that amounts to yet another wealth transfer in this country. (Soon we will all be equal in wealth no matter how hard we work or what decisions we make. The socialist Utopian dream is coming true comrades!)

Yes, I did go looking at the “news” report and no, there is no word about the deficit, debt, or taxes. It reads to me like an almost word-for-word rendition of the Liberal/NDP party PR “news” release.

They did allow that “In its current form, the plan is expected to cost the federal treasury about $4.4 billion per year.” Allow me to rephrase that more accurately: “It will cost TAXPAYERS about $4.4 billion, wink.”

They always do this. The notion that “the Federal treasury” will pay is blatant misinformation. It’s like when they say “Ottawa will pick up the tab.” Oh, look! Next sentence:

“Ottawa will pick up the tab for covered services.”

It’s almost funny. You have to marvel at the wordcraft here (“wordcraft” is my own polite euphemism for what is actually gaslighting and misinforming or, to be rude and blunt, bullshitting you. In just this one excerpt, I can count at least three euphemisms used to infer to you that YOU DON’T HAVE TO PAY NUTTIN’ for this massive federal social program. “Ottawa,” “the government,” and “the federal plan” are who pays, see?

So in addition to who’s covered and for what, here’s what you really, really badly need to know: this will mean another $4.4 billion (bare minimum, because it’s government, so it’s often double what they say the cost will be — and 1/6 the usefulness) added to the deficit per year — to start — adding to that $1.2 trillion debt. That means you and your kids and grandkids will pay higher taxes. And once again, people who earn the most will pay for the people who don’t earn as much, also known as another wealth transfer, in service of making us all equal in terms of income and wealth.

If “what you need to know” includes the fact that “you must extrapolate data from our carefully selected facts, our non-reporting of other details, and our otherwise garbage inferential reporting, and you must read between the lines,” then yup, it’s everything we “need to know.”

I highly anticipate that they will change their ways soon, to increase trust.

Joel Johannesen
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