Friday, April 19, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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Conservatives doing things? Time for liberalvision to trot out the far-leftist “experts”!

image Quick:  Get us some o’ them far-leftists so we can interview them to counter any possible conservative talk!  All conservative talk must be tempered by leftists!  (When liberals talk, conservatives must be ignored utterly.  This according to the liberal media guidebook.)

Trouble is, liberalvision doesn’t even take the trouble to identify them as far-leftists.  They just introduce them as normal folk.  Only conservatives are identified with myriad politically identifying labels ensuring that you understand they’re not like us, and that what they have to say should be taken with a haYUGE grain of organic salt and viewed through your red-colored glasses with the able aid of us here at liberalvision.  Leftists?  Why by golly we will allow them to go on, and on, and on, totally unchallenged, in fact set up with yummy fluffball questions—as if the “news” in Canada is really meant to be nothing but a free platform for left-wing political advocacy.

For the record, Maude Barlow, who sounds very much like a communist to me, was introduced as, well, Maude Barlow.  Of The Council of Canadians.  Which is a totally normal group which isn’t far-leftist at all. The Fraser Institute is of course, however, a “conservative think tank”, (inasmuch as they stand for the very values that built our nation—free market capitalism—as opposed to the values liberalvision apparently thinks is normal).

Anchor Kate Wheeler:  Also attending the summit in New Orleans is Maude Barlow.  She’s chairperson of Council of Canadians.  The Council is part of the meeting of organizations opposed to NAFTA expansion—it’s called the New Orleans People’s Summit.

Mizzz Barlow can you tell us what kind of event you have planned?

Not a few seconds goes by before Barlow suggests says outright that all the people who didn’t have cars in New Orleans during the Katrina hurricane “was left to die here”;  and then bashes the concept of “business”, “developers”, “private school people”, and of course, as if you didn’t know, “George Bush’s war on terror” —totally unchallenged on anything she says, no matter how asinine and far-left. Instead, the next question was, “so what would you prefer…”?


Joel Johannesen
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