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Friday, October 18, 2024
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Conditioned to Accept a Lie

A recent survey suggests that Americans are more accepting than ever of homosexual “families”. Although only about a third of Americans consider homosexual couples with no children to be a family, 68% say homosexual couples with children do indeed make a “family.”

Does growing acceptance make it right?

The more accustomed Americans become to the image of homosexual couples with children, the more likely we are to affirm them, mistakenly, as the same as families composed of one mom and one dad who are married to each other.

Not surprisingly, “gay families” have exploded into public view—thanks to the media and the entertainment industry–even though they represent only a small minority of homosexual couples. Not so long ago, “gay” characters were an uncomfortable novelty. Now they’re a mainstay of popular media. But the themes are less about the effeminate, promiscuous homosexual male (whose lifestyle doesn’t resonate with most Americans) and more about the cuddly, domestic “gay”couple with cute kids (inviting empathy for their parenting adventure). The popular show Modern Family, for example, features two homosexual men raising an adopted child– just another lovable equivalent to the traditional family. A bit dysfunctional, perhaps, but aren’t we all?

The media myth says that “gay families” are everywhere and just as beneficial for raising children as the traditional family. Some Americans steeped in these messages on a daily basis are likely to believe them. Others mistakenly “accept” gay families out of misplaced compassion. It’s crucial to recognize the deliberate strategy underway: homosexual couples with children are the perfect vehicle to drive acceptance for same-sex marriage.

How to Save Your Family with Honest Truth and Critical Thinking

The natural tendency is to think less critically about things we get used to—so gay advocates keep the spotlight on homosexual couples with children.

Our children must distinguish between what’s right, on the one hand, and what’s familiar, but dysfunctional, on the other.

Ground them in the truth: marriage is between one man and one woman and children do best when raised by their married mother and father. This biblical truth is proven by social science data, by history, and must be protected if America is to survive as a civil society. The Institute for Marriage and Public Policy has a treasure trove of research and information on the subject that you can access for free at

It’s also critical to limit your children’s exposure to gay propaganda. Lies are seductive, so our children must be wary. How many episodes of Modern Family or Glee does it take before our children shrug at “gay families?” The other side knows that familiarity encourages acceptance; we need to recognize that too.

Finally, make certain your children know that it is important to show kindness to everyone. It’s also critical to teach our kids that just as past generations were wrong to stigmatize the innocent child born to unmarried parents, it is wrong to stigmatize a child being raised by homosexuals. At the same time, your children must know that it is wrong for others to intimate them into silence about sharing their own religious and moral views on the subject. Let them know that ugly tactics of homosexual activists or pressure to conform to what is “politically correct” are wrong and should be rejected.

As we struggle to preserve God’s design for the family – the design that is best for men, women and children – we will be persecuted, and so will our children. The sad reality is that if we don’t equip our sons and daughters stand for truth, the timeless definition of family will soon be destroyed. Your children are the targeted generation – how are you preparing them for the battle?

Rebecca Hagelin
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