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CEO puts paid to Trudeau and Liberal lies

Donald Trump lies!

It’s actually true. He did and does.

You know what else is true? Justin Trudeau and his cabinet lie. All the time. And so do his news media divisions. Two or more things can all be true at the same time.

Lies, lies, and more lies. I read about some today in a column by a former pharmaceutical CEO who dared speak truth to Canadian political power — in contradistinction to most news media in Canada — and call out just some of their lies. It’s a good read in the Financial Post from last week: “Opinion: Why we’re not doing better on COVID vaccinesLiberal government pharmaceutical policy has failed Canadians at our time of greatest need.” (Author: Paul Lucas, Jan 14, 2021.)

Here’s a lie. Lie #1 (with my highlighting):
“I felt compelled to write about the current vaccine supply situation when federal Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs Dominic Leblanc erroneously stated on CTV’s Power Play that we don’t have any domestic vaccine production in Canada because “GSK closed its facility during the Harper years.” In fact, that facility is still operational and manufactures much of Canada’s annual flu vaccine.”

(How does the news media anchors and staff on liberalvision CTV’s Power Play program not know that GSK factory is open and running today? Well, they do know that. They didn’t want the truth to get out, in order to protect their partisan politics and their political party. So they button their lips. That’s how.)

Lie #2:
“As of this writing Canada ranks tenth in the world in COVID vaccine doses administered per 100 population. This is surprising considering Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has consistently stated that “We are better on vaccines than just about every other country.”

(We’re not even 10th now but 19th in the world, today, according to today’s ranking at How could the news media not know that, and not question Trudeau on his outright lie? Well, the news media does know that, and they didn’t want the truth to get out, in order to protect their partisan politics and their political party. So they simply don’t question him, and don’t tell you. That’s how.)

Lie #3:
“The provinces have worked out their logistics issues and are not the problem. The problem is clearly that the federal government is not able to procure significant doses of vaccine until April.”

Trudeau and cabinet and in fact many in the media would like to blame, oh, God I don’t know — everybody including God. First they blamed the provinces, but I’ve also heard them blame Trump, the pharmaceutical companies, delivery companies, bad staffing everywhere except in Trudeau-related offices… have they blamed the Russians yet? Anyway, columnist Tasha Kheiriddin does a very good job of explaining where blame really lies in her article today, “Tasha Kheiriddin: The Liberals went hostile against Big Pharma. Now we’re facing vaccine shortages Europeans will wait just one week for their Pfizer shipments to return to normal levels, while Canadians will wait for four weeks. (January 19, 2021, National Post)

Kheiriddin includes this scathing paragraph, which explains so much:

“Why was the Liberal government so intent on copying this model? Two words: national pharmacare. Without lower prices, the Liberals’ promise to introduce pharmacare would cost far more than Ottawa could afford. And without a pharmacare promise in their platform, the Liberals may not have siphoned enough NDP votes to eke out their minority government in 2019 — or to stay in power since.”

Tasha is too nice to say it, but my reading of that is that the Trudeau Liberals, and the farther-left NDP, with their news media happily in tow, literally put all of their partisan politics — their yearning for power — their liberal-left ideology — ahead of Canada’s businesses, its economy, and moreover, Canadians’ very lives. And Canadians have, and will, now die because of it.

But Trump lied!  Yeah. Maybe shut up.

Lie 3½ is unmentioned directly by Mr. Lucas. It is the fact that the Liberals (and their news media which know all of this full well) are actually hiding this very important information about the liberals and Liberals’ punitive pricing regime through their Patented Medicine Price Review Board regulations (which Tasha explains very well). These regs started in, wait for it… January 2021, exactly when supplies started getting cut off, unlike in Europe or the U.S.  So, they’re all lying by omission. Not telling you the facts you need to form an informed opinion. Because… They didn’t want the truth to get out, in order to protect their partisan politics and their political party.

Lie #4:
It’s another lie by omission. And it’s a doozy. Back to Paul Lucas:

“Or, finally, is our initial supply small because Canada provided little to no funding for the development of the vaccines, unlike the contributions made by the U.S., U.K. and Germany? Operation Warp Speed in the U.S. contributed $12 billion to support accelerated development and manufacturing. It should be no surprise that the U.S. now has large quantities of vaccine.”

Why is nobody in the news media ever talking about this (pace Tasha Kheiriddin and few  others)? Partly it’s because Trump’s Operation Warp Speed was so successful, and you know, TRRUMPPP! So, hide the facts and protect, well, back to the old refrain: They didn’t want the truth to get out, in order to protect their partisan politics and their political party. We should set it to somber music.


The direct effect of this liberal-left political ideology and the associated power-play by those political parties and their media are utterly pathetic. Deadly. Ruinous. Awful.

Paul Lucas again: “When it comes to vaccine supply Canada should be in the same position as these other leading countries. Instead, we are three to four months behind. How many more people will die in this pandemic who wouldn’t have if the federal government had done a better job acquiring more early doses? How many more businesses will fail? How long will the lockdowns go on? Months matter in this struggle. Days matter. Unfortunately, Canadians are paying a steep price.”

Perhaps they should slap a carbon tax on it.

Joel Johannesen
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