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CBC banners: “BOOSTING OBAMA” and “OBAMA’S BIG DAY”—even while discussing McCain

State-run CBC

continues its obsession with Obama —as all the Canadian liberal-left media has done since day one—in its New Hampshire Primary coverage today, at which (in actual fact) both the Republican Party and the Democratic Party are tendering their candidates. 

Even when talk turns to Republican candidates, the CBC banner continues to read: “BOOSTING OBAMA” (seriously!  Unwittingly betraying their agenda? Maybe!) and “OBAMA’S BIG DAY”.  I fully expected to see one reading “CBC’s ‘n ALL LIBERALS’  BIG DAY”.


In the first segment that I heard this morning, the CBC’s news anchor, Nancy (“very interesting!”) Wilson opened the questioning (over the banner “BOOSTING OBAMA”), with this, to her man in Washington, Henry Champ:

Nancy Wilson: Voters in a very small state could make a very big difference today!  The people of New Hampshire are casting ballots in the first U.S. presidential primary.  And and it looks like many of them are turning out to give Barack Obama a boost, and make him the clear front runner on the Democratic side.  The CBC’s Henry Champ is in Manchester New Hampshire, and joins us now.  So Henry, what exactly is behind Barack Obama’s success, as, as he sees it, and then as other people see it, Henry?

Shockingly, his answer wasn’t:  Well, blatantly biased news coverage in favor of him and all Democrats, Nancy!  Duh!  (Actually he answered, “Well certainly charisma is one of the things,  youth is another…”)

While the story went on, the screen was adorned with the “BOOSTING OBAMA” banner, later switching to “OBAMA’S BIG DAY”.
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Then talk finally turned to a little on the Republicans in the Primary (!), yet the Obama banner stayed the same!

Note the McCain banner in back?  Who cares?  This be about Obama!

That’s Republican Mike Huckabee on the left, and John McCain on the right.  Right above the Obama banner.
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Strangely, in a later segment, they seemed to have cottoned onto their abject bias and lost the Obama banner, and then didn’t have anything else to say (like, for example, “McCAIN’S BIG DAY”).  The banner space just went gray:
(…despite the lack of “BOOSTING OBAMA” banner, the talk was still centered on Obama anyway…)

At around 10:20 am PT, the state-run CBC interviewed yet another “expert”—this time someone who is with… the far-left Huffington Post web site (and no, there is no way on God’s green earth the CBC producers and bookers don’t know full well that the Huffington Post is a far-left web site, often attracting what even some liberals agree are the most horrible points of view from the most far-left Hollywood liberals or Marxists.  I imagine much of the liberal media both in Canada and the U.S. gets its American politics news—or at least cues—from this far-left opinion web site.  Clearly the state-run CBC does for its fair and balanced reporting).  Of course, once again, as they always do with liberal and leftist guest experts, they introduced her as having no political label whatsoever—just as a person from the Huffington Post—so that Canadians would just accept that her far-left world view is “normal”. 

That’s what the liberal media call “balanced”. 

CBC guest “expert”… from the far-left-wing Huffington Post web site (but not identified as even remotely left-wing).

Just after noon (PST), they welcomed conservative Pat Buchanan as a guest commentator, and despite Pat Buchanan being inarguably a much more well-known name all over North America than Rachel Sklar of the Huffington Post, they were sure to include in their introduction all of his right-wing credentials so that Canadians would know exactly where he’s coming from.  It was a sort of a “warning” to viewers, methinks.  Because that seems to be what they do, and how they do it. 

CBC anchor David Grey:  “Pat Buchanan is a true veteran of past battles in New Hampshire.  He won the Republican primary over Bob Dole back in 1996.  Four years earlier he was a very close second to George Bush Sr.  He’s on the sidelines this time working as a political commentator, he joins me from Manchester. . .”

And by the way, talk about overstating the importance of their Barack Obama winning in New Hampshire today:  As Gray said in his intro, Pat Buchanan won in New Hampshire too, back in the day.  (I don’t recall any “Buchanan fever” back then…)

Joel Johannesen
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