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CBC “News” does a downward doggy for their Trump-hating fan base

I’m smellin’ a Pulitzer!

I guess this is why taxpayers fund the state-owned CBC to the tune of in excess of $1.5 BILLION per year.  It’s stories like this. So proud. So proud. And so informed!

But in defence of actual journalism, let’s be like their Justin Trudeau and try to figure out the “root causes” of this — this example of state media news or journalism malpractice.

Did the state-owned media launch an exercise in investigative journalism trying to find examples of anti-Trump hatred? Surely not. That wouldn’t be fair and balanced, which the CBC claims it is.

OK so let’s say that the Yoga studio sent their ever-so newsy information to the state-owned media, or a local resident or a customer sent it in hoping (or knowing) that CBC would run with it to help advance their anti-Trump political agenda. If so, is the state-owned CBC now seen by some on the left as just another one of those left-wing anti-Trump blogs like Huffington Post, rather than a supposedly serious and fair and balanced and extremely subsidized state-owned news organization which would never go with such biased nonsense? Seems so. So that’s weird. How’d the CBC get that reputation amongst lefties?

Either way, the CBC decided to run with this “news” story.

The lengthy CBC “news” story about this on their state-owned website strains to explain that it’s really just about avoiding “stress” in the yoga studio with all the political talk as a result of President Trump’s fast-paced action, with several direct quotes from the yoga studio boss to that effect. The photo of the studio’s “trump-free zone” notice does depict the unambiguous political position of the owners however. Amidst their quest for calm and political (or at least Trump) silence, they point out that they support Planned Parenthood and other lefty organizations. So they are unambiguously left-wing, as if I had to tell you. Or as if they had to tell you. They didn’t have to tell anyone that. They wanted to. So they did. Now the rest of y’all, shut it — if I understand correctly.

But this is not so much about the yoga studio owners, who I’m sure are very nice people who simply want to create a nice environment for their yoga classes. It is about state-owned CBC “News” deciding to post this as a news story. It seems tendentious to say the very least.

I wonder how they’d depict a pro-Trump shop or business office if they were ever advised of one.  Because I am pretty sure they wouldn’t treat it with quite so much deference as they did the yoga studio owners in this story. I think they’d be treated as heretics and zealots and nutbars. But I don’t think we’ll ever know how they’d write up a news story about a pro-Trump business.

So the “root cause” is that the state-owned CBC implores you to see the world as they do: anti-Trump. That’s a media with a left-wing agenda. And you can’t trust a media with an agenda. In this case you have to pay for it, but still, you can’t trust it.


Joel Johannesen
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