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Canadian media covers the DEMOCRATIC PARTY side of the Iowa caucuses

UPDATE:  Added feedback, below, from the official state tech expert, the state-run media’s Jess Hirsh (or jess hirshsans capitalization—as he types it in his email’s signature).

I already mentioned the Iowa Caucuses that are taking place today south of the line.  But the Canadian liberals’ news media coverage of it here is hilariously biased, at least so far this morning.  They speak of it as though it’s a Democratic Party-only caucus.  Democrats are painfully clearly all they care about. 

So far this morning, on both the horribly left-wing biased state-run CBC (“Newsworld”) and liberalvision CTV (“Newsnet”), they’ve covered, at length, the campaigns of Clinton, Obama, and Edwards—all Democrats.  The CBC gave only short shrift to Mike Huckabee, Republican, so far, from what I’ve seen. 

Even when the CBC moved on to cover the internet angle of the campaigning and how it’s being played out, anchor Nancy (“very interesting!”) Wilson teased the segment with “Who’s more internet savvy?  Clinton?  Obama?  Or somebody else?! “ 

image Then discussion turned to the official state internet / tech “expert”, Jesse Hirsh.  He’s the one who once called the extreme far-left web site and discussions forum (one of the most far left-wing web sites in all of North America) among the best “blogs” in Canada; and informed Canadians that it represents “a real pulse” in terms of how people are thinking across our country —without ever once mentioning the word “communists”  (also see here).  He condescended to us and Mizz Wilson and presumed to explain politics to what he apparently thinks are total morons (that’s you ‘n me!).  As if oblivious to the hideousness of the dialogue, Wilson nonetheless constantly asked him about the politics angle rather than the tech angle, as if this young tech “expert” was a political guru, which he ever-so plainly is not (see above).  It was a dreadful display.  But funny! 

UPDATE: E-mail feedback from the state-run media’s Jesse Hirsh:

From: Jesse Hirsh
Date: Thursday, January 03, 2008 9:14 AM
Subject: no comments allowed?

Saw you were slandering me on your site and I wanted to post a comment in my own defence, yet I see you do not allow any? How come?

My main point was to say that just because you disagree with my politics does not mean you should totally disregard what I’m saying. Had you paid attention to my points today, you would have noticed I spoke mostly about Republicans, with admiration, and indicated that for the most part they were the ones most effectively using the Internet.

It’s one thing to use your site to insult me, it’s another to not give me the opportunity to respond.

-jesse hirsh

Who said I wouldn’t give him the opportunity to respond?  The technology is vast!  But then he’d know that. 

Mr. Hirsh points out in his email that he did mention Republicans in his interview, and their having used the internet effectively.  Yes he did.  I’m so sorry. 



Mr. Hirsh later acknowledged my fairness and thanked me. 


I found that as the day went on, coverage on both the state-run CBC and on liberalvision CTV improved a great deal, providing much more balance in coverage.  Perhaps they got phone calls, or they just felt silly. 

(Originally posted at 8:30 AM PT or so)

Joel Johannesen
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