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Bonnie Henry is a woke progressive loon. Fire her.

Thanks to Bob Mackin for bringing this to our attention on X this morning. He wrote:

In the report out today, recommending the NDP #BCGov expand so-called “safer supply” of hard drugs, the bios of the report contributors.”

I read the bios he attached before I even read the actual report they signed, which was posted further down my timeline. My eyes nearly rolled out of my noggin on the first post. The report literally blew my eyes right out their sockets. I’m typing this blind. Blind I tell you.

Here are the bio sheets Bob attached (hold your eyes as you read):

What on Earth does this have to do with medicine, health policy (mental or physical, about which she apparently knows or cares little how to effectively address), drugs or the drug addicted, drug policy, or anything else even remotely related to her role as provincial health officer? Will she (and all her advisors — or should I call the accomplices?) be giving her home “back” to the indigenous as part of a funky new health policy? Will her boss the NDP government be turning over the provincial parliament and all of its publicly-owned property? Will the premier relinquish his home in toney Point Gray, once the land of the Squamish Indian tribe (or as they put it, the Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Úxwumixw)? (Sidebar: that reminds me of this article from yore!)

If you think you’re on “stolen land” and you believe you’re but a rotten colonial thief and thieving “settler,” do the right thing (with your own private property which you “stole”) and give back your “stolen” land; or just shut it. Preferably both.

It reminds me of Henry’s previous role as presumed Health Officer [slash /] Woke Black Lives Matter-Activist And Advocate, when she decided to give her public A-OK to all those good woke leftist progressive BLM protesters (her comrades) and other such poseurs — at the very same time she directed everyone else in BC to stay indoors and not get near anyone lest they contract the Wuhan flu she obediently called “Covid-19” (as directed by the Chinese Communist Party — yes literally).

She said: “I encourage anyone who might be demonstrating to also please continue to keep that safe distance, to recognize the importance of making sure that we are not allowing this virus a chance to spread.”

She said — to everyone else — at the time: “Only one tool that we know worldwide has worked is staying away from each other.”

Then, later, after science and obviousness proved her to be a loon, this (which I wrote-up here):

VANCOUVER (NEWS 1130) — B.C.’s top doctor is pitching a new holiday as the province embarks on its plan to return to pre-pandemic normal: Hug Day.

To say Bonnie Henry is a woke progressive loon and that she should be fired is an understatement. But that was where I started, today.

Other voices have followed. The two opposition parties in BC both agree. I have seen no replies or posts praising her for her for wisdom on drug-pushing, nor for her embarrassing and overt activist woke progressive style of politics whilst ostensibly doing her *health* job. (I’m sure all progressives do agree with her though.)

Some more:

Funny but not funny, and sad/true:

With respect to Mr. Kay, though, the dialect is not just BC NDP, but woke progressive, the dominant language of virtually all Liberals, NDP, Green, socialist, and communist parties in Canada, provincially and federally, as well as those in city councils across Canada, and most of our institutions.

And it isn’t overstating it to say that it has to end to save our country.

Joel Johannesen
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