Friday, July 26, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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BC’s NDP gov and their “news” media divisions hiding stats and facts? Here’s one. — For all the noise from the Canadian national “news” media, you’d think Ontario was the only province in the country, and that it’s doing terribly with regard to the Wuhan Virus (which everybody still calls “COVID” on orders from the Communist Party of China). That’s not news to anyone outside of Ontario. What might be news to people both outside and inside of Ontario is that BC’s rate of death is nearly twice that of Ontario.

Don’t worry lefties, even people in BC don’t know that, because the “news” media in BC are actually cheerleaders for the NDP government of BC — much as the national news media is actually a division of the federal Liberal Party (well and the Ontario Liberal Party of course). Ontario is led by a party with the word “Conservative” in it, even though “Progressive” is the first and foremost word and concept in their party name and style of governance. But, you know, it’s just death ’n shit. Politics is way more important to the “news” media.

Facts. Get ’em anywhere you can, because you can’t reliably get them from the “news” media.

See also:

And from liberalvision CTV: Secrecy over B.C.’s true number of hospitalized COVID-19 patients
Joel Johannesen
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