Saturday, May 4, 2024

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Liberal elite denigrates all Middle America holds dear

DALLAS—I’m chatting with two of my fine Republican friends—actually, the adjective is a redundancy since all Republicans are fine people—and tell them they just have to dig into a new political bestseller.

It’s One Hundred People Who Are Screwing Up America, by Bernard Goldberg (Harper Collins, $34.95[*]) and it’s a follow-up to his earlier bestseller Bias, about the liberal-left stranglehold on most of the mass media.

It shouldn’t be too surprising that, with the exception of a bare handful of right-wing con artists—Ken Lay of Enron, racist and anti-Semite David Duke, and trash author Kitty Kelley—the rest of the 100 are of that sanctimonious and hypocritical lib-left.

Goldberg really is a great defender of Middle America and the values of decent, hardworking men and women, and just rips apart the lib-left blowhards in politics, the news media, the entertainment world and in pseudo-academia.

Ah, pseudo-academia—you think Ward Churchill of the University of Colorado, who figured the 3,000 innocent men and women who died on 9/11 were little Adolf Eichmanns who got what they asked for is a rarity in today’s university faculties?

How about this gem: When Catherine Commins was assistant dean of students at Vassar College she told Time magazine: “Men who are unjustly accused of rape can benefit from the experience.”

Yes, pause on that one.

The usual collection of talentless, overpaid and arrogant Hollywood personalities are here, with Sean Penn boasting how he was not disturbed at all by President Ronald Reagan’s Alzheimer’s disease because seeing the sick president “dribbling” when he tried to eat brought a “sense of justice” to life.

Goldberg has actress Julia Roberts tagged mockingly as an “esteemed professor of political science” when she comments: “Republican comes in the dictionary right after reptile and just above repugnant”, and actor Chevy Chase as a “noted constitutional scholar” when he contends President George W. Bush is about “as bright as an egg timer.”

An obviously thoughtful assessment comes from singer John Mellencamp who simply called Bush a “cheap thug.”

Mellencamp’s vocabulary is somewhat limited.

We have Barbra Streisand charging that Bush, who won five million more votes than Democrat John Kerry, in reality actually “stole” the presidency and is now “not only poisoning our air and water, but our political system as well.”

Streisand, who is utterly ridiculous, then goes on to say she doesn’t know why people need to “denigrate and knock down” those they disagree with because it’s “unhealthy” and “sick.”

Look in the mirror, Barb.

There are those two self-proclaimed ‘consciences of Senate Democrats Robert Byrd and Ted Kennedy. It’s impolite to mention Byrd’s great love affair with the Ku Klux Klan or Kennedy’s time as a failed lifeguard at Chappaquiddick. Even that Kennedy, amongst other well-known sins, paid someone to take an exam for him at Harvard University, thus bringing the wrath of that august body down on him.

Goldberg tells about President Jimmy Carter regarding brutal Romanian Communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu as an individual who believed in “enhancing human rights,” and Carter’s assessment of fanatical North Korea Communist dictator Kim Il Sung as a “vigorous intellectual.”

Former vice-president Al Gore pours his heart, soul and tears into those dying of lung cancer caused by smoking, but carefully forgets how he aligned himself with tobacco growers in North Carolina, praising this noble agricultural pursuit.

Oh, they’re all here: Celebrity TV hosts Barbra Walters, Diane Sawyer and Dan Rather. Junk TV headliners Jerry Springer, Maury Povich and Phil Donahue. Whacko politicians from Jesse Jackson to Al Sharpton to Howard Dean. And entertainers as diverse as Harry Belafonte and Eminem.

Goldberg points out that this lib-left elite wants to denigrate and distort just about everything common sense Americans hold dear:

“If Middle Americans oppose gay marriage, they must be homophobic.

“If they don’t like sex jokes at 8 p.m. on network TV, they’re squares.

“If ordinary Americans think gangsta rap is foul and degrading, they’re racists who don’t understand black culture.

“If heavily-Republican states think our ‘best’ universities are dominated by left-wing ideologues, they’re anti-intellectual dolts. If they think feminists have gone too far, they’re sexists.”

Friends, grab this book. It’s a page-turner.

[editor’s note: One Hundred People Who Are Screwing Up America is CDN$ 24.47 through]

Paul Jackson
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