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NATIONAL HIDEOUSNESS: State-owned, taxpayer-funded, socialism-reliant CBC agrees to accept MORE cash

I started using my famous pale yellow highlighter to highlight some of the features of the article Lorna emailed me, but I quickly saw I’d have to highlight the whole damn thing. 


From: Lorna
Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2009 9:32 AM
Subject: So, CBC wants “Fair and Balanced” treatment….

You have to give CBC “A” for effort in the “ballsy” requests department.

Despite getting public funding, the Canadian Broadcasting Corp. told the federal broadcaster it is no different than its private-sector rivals CTV and Global when it comes to the challenges facing the conventional television industry.

“We are in the same position as any other private broadcaster that has come before you,” CBC executive vice-president Richard Stursberg told the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission at hearings in Gatineau, Que., on Tuesday.

CRTC chairman Konrad von Finckenstein asked the public broadcaster why it should be allowed to collect money from consumers, if the idea was approved, since the TV and radio broadcaster already gets more than $1-billion in federal funding for its various operations, and also collects advertising revenue on TV.

Mr. Stursberg replied that the cost of Canadian programming is high and can’t be supported by existing funding levels or volatile ad markets, which have cratered in a recession.

“If we had the financing to be able to do it we would be thrilled to have 100 per cent of our programming Canadian,” Mr. Stursberg told the CRTC, arguing that the public broadcaster is otherwise constrained on its production budget. …

Globe and Mail article

Wait a minute — CBC sucks Canadian taxpayers dry, they never seem to have enough cash to produce crap like Little Mosque on the Prairie, they discard the “Hockey Night in Canada” theme because they couldn’t afford to continue to purchase the rights to the music, their biased News Department detests all things that don’t revolve around liberalism and socialism and yet, they say they may get on board with charging us for their signals?

The only charge I’d get behind is a movement to pay extra to KEEP their signals from my TV…..

Hey Lorna,

You said “The only charge I’d get behind is a movement to pay extra to KEEP their signals from my TV” but I disagree.  They get more than enough taxpayer cash to finance that themselves.  We in the normal private citizen sector shouldn’t have to pay more of our taxpayer cash to not get what we don’t want from the government behemoth.  I mean that sounds like Obama’s “health care” plan.  Or like Iran, or something.


Joel Johannesen
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