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Yale prof says Iran is only in quest of nuclear energy to stay warm, not to make nuclear weapons

All that Iranian nuclear bomb-building talk? Just an expression of sadness.Victomness.  Building bombs?  Nonsense! They’re just trying to stay warm. Furthermore, they’re paranoid because it’s our fault, as if I had to tell you.

That’s what a Yale professor named Abbas Amanat, who’s lecturing in Vancouver tonight, is trying to convince the world.

And of course the liberal Vancouver Sun is all over this news story—no, not about Iran building nuclear bombs — about this visiting liberal academic from Liberal U., liberalizing tonight at one of Canada’s most liberal state-funded universities, Vancouver’s Simon Fraser.  (The news article is in the paper’s “World” section, so you know it’s serious news, see.)

Iran seeks nuclear energy, not arms,
Yale scholar says

Country wants self-sufficiency,
according to professor lecturing here

Michael Scott, Vancouver Sun
Published: Thursday, November 23, 2006

Iran’s current race for nuclear power is not the warmongering of hawkish Islamic clerics, so much as it is an age-old desire for self-sufficiency, according to a Yale University history professor who will deliver a public lecture on the subject in Vancouver tonight.

Abbas Amanat, who has taught Middle Eastern and Iranian history at Yale since 1982, says Britain’s brutal handling of Iran during the 19th century, and America’s covert interference following the Second World War, have left the country with deeply wounded national pride: a wound that the current Islamic regime is only too happy to exploit.

[…] “You see Iranians caught in this complex game of power, which has made them feel at times very disempowered,” Amanat said.

Please note that as the “Yale scholar” says, the Iranians are “paranoiac”.  That’s “paranoiac”. So sad.

P.S. — And just like before the rabidly anti-George Bush Dixie Chicks concert in Vancouver, which the Vancouver Sun promoted with huge articles about it and the anti-Bush Chicks’ agitprop documentary film (about which the Vancouver Sun’s reviewer concluded, “but it’s got the breadth and substance to become a fitting time capsule of the whole Bush era.”), and offers of free concert tickets, and free CDs and such, the Vancouver Sun saw fit to include this little free advertisement at the end of their “news” story today about the Iran-appeaser professor from Yale:

I snipped it out because it’s going to prove to be one of the examples “experts” very often being nothing short of idiots and/or propagandists.  And to exemplify just how stupid liberal media can be.

Joel Johannesen
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