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Worse Than Ward Churchill

Editors’ note: The following column contains language that some readers may find offensive.

A few years ago, Ward Churchill made a name for himself by referring to victims of the attacks on the World Trade Center as “little Eichmanns.” Since then, his name has become synonymous with academic lunacy. But, contrary to popular belief, Churchill is not the biggest lunatic to (dis)grace higher education in recent years. That honor goes to Julio Pino of Kent State University.

Just last week, Pino sent me the following email using his Kent State University e-mail account:

From: PINO, JULIO [[email protected]]

Sent: Friday, July 30, 2010 12:24 PM

To: Adams, Mike

Subject: Life on Mars?

Sorry about the loss of your 66 dogs; maybe the c**** should have stayed at home.

OCCUPIED KABUL, Afghanistan – NATO announced Friday that six more U.S. troops have died in Afghanistan, bringing the death toll for July to at least 66 and surpassing the previous month’s record as the deadliest for American forces in the nearly 9-year-old war.

In Kabul, police fired weapons into the air Friday to disperse a crowd of angry Afghans who shouted “death to America,” hurled stones and set fire to two vehicles after an SUV, driven by U.S. contract employees, was involved in a traffic accident that killed four Afghans on the main airport road, according to the capital’s criminal investigations chief, Abdul Ghaafar.

The notion that a professor would praise the killing of 66 American troops is pretty sickening. But the idea that he would use public property to refer to our war heroes as “dogs” and “c****” is simply unacceptable.

Pino has no respect for the soldiers who have died to preserve his right to say stupid things. Nor has he any respect for the hard-working taxpayers of Ohio who provide him with a venue to do so.

I recently wrote the following to Kent State President Lester Lefton to ask him about Pino’s recent emails to me (you can also write to him):

Sir, what efforts do you think you might be able to undertake to prevent Professor Julio Pino from emailing me with claims that he has raped and sodomized my mother? He is also writing me referring to slain U.S. soldiers as “c****.”

These emails are all coming from [email protected]

Mike S. Adams

So far, the issue has not been deemed sufficiently important to merit a response from the Kent State President. So I have been in touch with one of the producers of The O’Reilly Factor to discuss the possibility of extended coverage of the Pino situation.

Here are some of the reasons why I believe that Jesse Watters of The Factor should consider unleashing one of his patented ambushes on Julio Pino:

1. Pino uses his university e-mail account to profanely denigrate fallen U.S. soldiers.

2. Pino has used his university e-mail account to boast of raping and sodomizing the mother of another university professor – this time using the term “c***” to refer to a senior citizen, not a U.S. soldier.

3. Pino has sent repeated unwanted emails to other professors with a subject line suggesting that the White House would soon need “more coffins.” This resulted, during the summer of 2009, in a Secret Service raid of Pino’s home.

4. Pino has sent emails celebrating the murders of 911 to professors on, of all days, September 11th.

5. Pino published an article in the Kent State newspaper, which urged children to become suicide bombers – specifically to kill innocent Israeli citizens.

6. Pino admitted, to a Fox producer working for Britt Hume, that he has posted on the Global War blog spot – a terrorist website. This admission followed accusations that he posted specific bomb-making instructions, which urged readers to use the bombs to kill U.S. troops. He also admitted his involvement with the site to his then-department chair John Jameson. Dr. Jameson was fired (as chair) after letting Pino travel to the Middle East (mid-semester) for an extended stay while he (Pino) was under suspicion for terrorist activities.

With all of the evidence mounting against Pino what sane person could maintain that Churchill, not Pino, is the biggest lunatic to have taught at a public university in recent memory? And what sane college president could continue to ignore the problem thinking it will simply go away?

This will not go away, President Lefton. You ignore the situation at your own peril.


Mike S. Adams
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