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Thursday, March 6, 2025
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Who’s “fringe?” Who’s “un-Canadian?” Canadian flag making leftists “barf,” “angry.”

I recall going through this for years after I started PTBC and it became obvious to the shocked and bewildered leftists in Canada that it was an unabashed conservative-leaning politics site. I’ve gone over this too many times over the years to repeat it here now, but basically, the argument was that I had no right! It was like a form of blaspheme. I was told under no uncertain terms by numerous lefties that I needed to change the name of this site. I mean it was downright nasty for a long time.

It was totally incongruous to these people that I could be conservative, and proud to be Canadian at the same time. It never occurred to them that nobody on the left — not the NDP or the Liberals or the Communist party or whatever, nor any of their supporters — chose to register the domain name themselves. It took a conservative to register such an obvious domain name.

But now they’re on the opposite side. Now our own flag makes them “barf.”

That the article is posted at the state-owned CBC is, well, hideous, but that’s where we are today. Other than the CBC though, the outrage is palpable. There are a few on Twitter who have tried this and reneged — and deleted their possibly drunken tweets. But here’s a dude who left it up even though he might just regret posting it, given the massively negative replies he got:

Just to make sure we understand where his head is at:

So he’s barfing out Justin Trudeau and the media line then, really, so you can’t really blame him! Not everybody can think for themselves, and they need the government to do it for them, or the government’s media hacks.

I have found that a common thread exists among people who say or tweet things like this, as in Pat’s case:

Anyway, pronouns aside, although the vast majority of Pat’s replies were “no,” or “nope, it’s just you, Pat,” and some with a similar sentiment but vastly more rude, lots of people feel the same way as Pat.

A reminder that this is the “inclusive” set. The folks who fight for “diversity.” The “compassionate” ones. The people who are against being “divisive.” These are the ones who blasted me for daring to use the name “ProudToBeCanadian” because they thought they owned that sentiment.

But enough of those loons. Let’s move onto Globe and Mail journalists — like this “Western Arts Correspondent” — who also has misgivings about seeing the flag suddenly too, making it much easier for me to get over the trauma of canceling my very, very expensive Globe and Mail subscription, in favor of spending my cash on independent journalists:

Of course, none of this is hard to understand when you remember that the prime minister of the country, Justin Trudeau, and his Liberal team, are — and let’s be quite clear: he and they are knowingly lying and gaslighting Canadians and the world — castigating the truckers and their supporters as racists and Nazis and misogynists (but not transphobes, for some weird reason), who are all “waving swastikas”  (his words!) and engaging in other such Nazi and violent insurrection and sedition and all manner of siege-type stuff. When you cast a group of people as your literal enemy — as dangerous and violent and inhuman and most certainly un-Canadian — and who hold “unacceptable views” — then people (at least weak-minded people) feel quite emboldened to say all sorts of awful things, even about their own flag, right out there in public. I don’t even want to know what they think in private or say to each other.

Joel Johannesen
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