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Sunday, February 23, 2025
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Today in liberalism: a Canadian Liberal government committee proposes socialism.

[dropcap]L[/dropcap]ike Facebook only run by the state. Kim Jong Un will be so pissed…

OTTAWA—A House of Commons committee is recommending Canada Post come up with a plan to reinstate door-to-door delivery in parts of the country that lost the service in the last year and maintain a freeze on the installation of community mailboxes.

The report, released today, also muses about expanding Canada Post’s mandate to provide what it calls critical digital infrastructure, including email services or “the basis for a Canadian social network.”

Seriously. Communism. In Canada.

Sunny ways. Vote liberal.

Conservatives on the committee didn’t back the report, saying the recommendations do nothing to address Canada Post’s serious financial shortfalls.

Yet they fully support a state-owned media — the CBC. It’s just a matter of time before they glom onto this one too.

The NDP’s dissenting report criticized both the Liberals and Conservatives for closing the door on exploring postal banking services, an idea recommended by the postal union.

Yeah — state banking too. Why not. Also, state-clothing. Why not just go full Kim Jong Un?


Joel Johannesen
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