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[UPDATED] “The new norm” …is the old norm.

Anytime the progressives in the Liberal/NDP party’s “news” divisions (CTV, state-owned CBC, Toronto Star, et al) warn of an ever-so-scary “new normal,” get ready for the same-old, same-old. By which I mean you need to do nothing at all (except maybe stop paying attention to hacks).

As an x-avid skier and former resident and landlord in Whistler, BC, (and as someone who has lived a lot longer than most of the woke, progressive 20-somethings that seem to dominate newsrooms and social media today) I’ve seen this theme repeat itself time and again at a local level, which very much resembles the global level — purely coincidental I’m sure.

Even back in the day, everybody would roll their eyes at the headlines and tweets that are still regurgitated annually right up to today with increasing pace and alarmism. Like the one below from earlier this month, February 8, 2024:

It was a dismal late January and into February 2024 for sure. But earlier in the season, in November/December 2023 and as late as January 17 2024, there was tons of snow even in metro Vancouver (which rarely gets snow). Vancouver and the mountains got nearly a foot of snow over a few days.

Weather… changes!

Normals — by which I mean the old normies like me (a non-expert), unlike the so-called “experts” who are mostly experts at climate alarmism — know that headlines like what follows are just around the corner — like two weeks later (Feb 26, 2024):

I did a 4-second search for other such nonsense over the years just on CTV News Vancouver and came up with these following tweets, but honestly, some form of false climate alarmism is practically an annual event just as is the ski season. Unless, that is, the season proceeds in exactly the precise average way. Then they are strangely quiet.

Here’s one such nonsense alarmist “new norm” alert from 2015, followed by the “hey where’s that ‘new norm’?” antidote in 2016, and one from 2017, which seems to indicate the opposite:

But of course they blame a slow start (to quote them: “…worst in 100 years; climate scientists say bare hills could become the new norm”) on climate change. But then blame early starts on… climate change too. That’s not science. That’s pure deep powder bullshit.

What happened in 2018? Well there was the usual warning (even though it was only September!) …

(Wait a sec — what do you mean “slower … than normal?” I thought slower starts were “the new normal!”) But then I couldn’t find anything about the actual ski season for 2018-2019. No more warn-y dour tweets. Why is that? Because it turned out to be a banner year with 375 inches of snow — far above the average of 320″. That’s not alarm-y! So, crickets.

The season 2019-2020 was the same. Here’s the warning:

…And then nothing. That’s because they got 295″ of snow and everything was fine (except that the governments mass-alarmed everybody with the so-called “Covid-19” alarmism, leading to lockdowns and business and individual calamity from which we’re still trying to recover. Idiot progressive governments are a worse danger and worse crisis than the so-called climate “crisis”).

And yes I will engage in some thoat-clearing and ass-covering here. It could turn out to be a horrible year at the local ski hills for 23/24. And it could be because it’s warmer this year than last. Or it could be because it’s drier.  But that happens. There are good years and bad years. The trend in the past decades has shown warming. I’m not criticising the science as much as the reporting.

If the news media wants to regain trust, they’ll stop with the pathetic “expert” predictions which are always of doom and gloom, all designed, I think, to bolster the climate alarmism narrative (and then it’s silence when it’s inconvenient). Instead, they should just report the truth, which is that everything’s fine, and as usual, we need to continue to mitigate against all manner of changes — like in the climate — as we always have had to since man set foot on the Earth (and started skiing). It’s not as big a deal as they make it out to be. And there are even positives!

The climate alarmism cult is one of the stupidest things that have taken hold of our collective senses (and of our culture and our politics) in recent years, following only the progressive left’s woke mind virus/cult which, yes, does crossover in many ways (add the insane gender ideology in that dreadful mix as well). It’s nurtured by the “news” media. That’s something of an actual crisis in and of itself.

Here’s a climate fact from a sensible non-alarmist: climate change is happening, and has been happening since the Earth was formed, and has continued through the centuries and millennia at both faster and slower rates than it is right now, over all of that time. Man likely has something to do with it, but hardly everything; and man always has shown itself to be adept at mitigating its earthly problems. Earth (including even Vancouver) has been frozen and covered with ice, and it has been a tropical paradise as well, over time. If it doesn’t continue to change, sometimes faster and sometimes slower, then I’ll be alarmed.

And if it doesn’t continue to change, then some particular folx will find something else to glom onto and seek out the “experts” they need to advance that fresh new crisis cult.

UPDATE Feb 29, 2024


Joel Johannesen
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