Proof that the CBC, right into its inner core of liberal-left bureaucrats, doesn’t know its [bleep] from a hole in the ground.
British censors balked at ‘bloody,’ CBC had problem with ‘hell’
If it’s not the bloody, it’s the hell.
When British censors banned a controversial Tourism Australia ad campaign this month, they did so because it used the word “bloody” in the question: “So where the bloody hell are you?”
Now the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation says it won’t run the ad during family programming because of the word “hell.”
“It just shows you the different taste levels of audiences in various cultures,” said CBC spokeswoman Ruth Ellen Soles.
” ‘Hell’ is a problem for us in terms of kids and family viewing. It comes under the category of ‘taste’ and in these situations we listen to what our audience tells us.” […]
Meanwhile, they have absolutely no qualms at all whatsoever about constantly allowing the Fu** word to be dropped and the Sh** word at any time on both state-run radio and state-run TV and especially at the state-run web site. Their dinner-time broadcast of the American cartoon favorite The Simpsons even has “hell” all over it. Most of their programming seems to have been dredged up from hell itself.
· Click here to search the state-run for the word sh** and see how often they use it.
· Click here to search the state-run for the word fu** and see how often they use it.
Click to see other CBC programming “morality” such as this:
· They have no problems showing a young man getting his testicles waxed not only on CBC television but in a video geared toward youth at their youth web site, available to all youth at any time.
· In addition, they have videos of young people getting body pierced with meat hooks in their backs, then being swung from meat hooks in a bar. Available at the youth web site.
· And videos of a young woman demonstrating what it would be like to take a pickle out of her anus. Available at the youth web site.
· And another video of a young boy?/man? taking off all his clothes—all of them—and zooming in on him while he runs around a public parking lot naked. Available at the youth web site.
· They also have no problem showing, and national CBC television, at taxpayer expense, a short film which is approximately 50% naked women with close-ups of their naked (shaved!) sex organs (from the back!), and many close-ups of women fully nude and others of naked breasts. This is also on their web site in a section which (it seems to me) is geared toward YOUTH but is certainly available to them. At our expense, making us all accomplices in this grand, noble, moralistic endeavor.
· See my blog entries here and here, among others.
Here’s an email teaser for a previous “ZED” show on CBC television supplied by email to me by the state-run CBC (I’m on their mailing list!):
March 15th – This week on Zed Candid, the short films “Prophylaxis”, “Ouch!” and “Cost of Living” inspire Trish, Suzanne and Zorana to get really, really, really personal. Anal masturbation, circumcision and immortality all in one night! Um, those are the themes in the films, in case you were wondering.
Wow! How exciting for the kids. Hope all the kids tune in for these values. The one called Prophylaxis is introduced at the CBC web site like this: “Prophylaxis – Masturbation has its benefits. For example, it can save your life.”
Hell – the kids will love that one!
Here’s a blog entry from the official blog. At the CBC web site. Yes, they have a blog too! Of course! It’s taxpayer cash, baby, and they have an agenda to promote! Liberalism! The blog is called ”Zed Candid Club”. Get the youth involved! Maybe your church group would be interested!
Wednesday, March 8. 2006
Love in All the Wrong PlacesHello, hello! It’s that time again. Zed Candid has just ended (depending on what time zone you happen to be curled up in) and the conversation’s only just begun. Tonight we watched some films about love in the wrong places. There was the steamy dance piece “Stuck”, the creepy love story about an infatuated sperm bank employee “The Banker” and the sexy and somewhat gory “Patiente 69”. With this kind of subject matter, how can the discussions not be interesting?
“Stuck” is a film that tells the story of the pitfalls of the morning after the one night stand through narrative dance and some rather racy bathroom nookie scenes. After watching this Trish was reminded of a brutal “morning after” where the fellow felt compelled to tell her that she had “horrible breath”. Mind you, he did soften it with a “don’t take this the wrong way”. Nasty. Personally, I’m all for leaving the country to avoid facing a one night stand. In fact, I think there should be some sort of discount airline just for this purpose.
“The Banker”. What can we say about “The Banker”? A sperm bank employee with a God-complex inseminates thousands of women without their knowledge and he does this for love. Not for the love of the mothers of his unborn children, but for his secret crush – the nurse who works in the semination clinic. An original way to express one’s affections, no? Now, Zorana felt that the banker’s actions were a selfless act of love expressed with “tiny tubes of jizz” (her words, not mine!), while Trish felt it was more about “self-love”. Me? I’ll just make damn sure I do my homework if I ever have to visit a fertility clinic.
And then there’s “Patiente 69” or “Room 69” en Anglais. I thought this film was great fun. But, I confess I saw the ending coming from a mile away. Maybe I’ve seen too many horror films. And I have to tell you the underlying message in this film only confirms what I suspected for many years… sex is a verrrry persuasive force. That and to never underestimate an axe-swinging nymphomaniac. Ah, life lessons.
So, what do you guys think? Any one night stand stories to share? Come on, share! What about the love-crazed sperm banker? Hopeless romantic or restraining order material? Anything else on your mind? Express yourself here.
Damn that’s some intellectual stuff. Good values too. I especially like the reference to “rather racy bathroom nookie scenes”, which was in actual fact between two very young people. And that maturely-expressed “life lesson”: “sex is a verrrry persuasive force”. And of course “never underestimate an axe-swinging nymphomaniac”. And all that “jizz”.
Be sure to tune into Canada’s state-run news channel, Newsworld, where on March 21, they’ll be broadcasting a show called “Sex: The First Time” (March 21 – 10 p.m. ET/PT) and is teased on the web site as follows: “From great to ho-hum to tragic, women talk about their “first time.” And their first orgasm.”
CBC references to “hell” on the CBC itself are plentiful. Here’s one:
In a CBC Sports article at the web site, we are presented with this headline:
… and includes these words:
· “…your body is put through hell.”
· “Five kilometre races hurt like hell.”
· “My wife said I looked like hell.”
· Click here to search the state-run for the word “hell” and see how often they use it.
View the comparatively saintly Australia ad in question here.
I think that in much the same way I support Denmark, the state-run liberal-leftist CBC elites simply don’t like Australia. Australia has a conservative government, and they support the war on terror and the war in Iraq and sent troops to fight there. That is anathema to the left and their cause. And the CBC is all about the liberal-left and their cause.
- Proud To Be Canadian. But Maybe Not. - Tuesday December 17, 2024 at 2:07 pm
- Say something. - Friday October 25, 2024 at 6:03 pm
- Keep going, or veer right - Monday August 26, 2024 at 4:30 pm