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NUTS: Some of This Week’s Tidbits

The week of Sept 11 at least thus far:

♦ This Globe and Mail comedy bit (it IS supposed to be comedy, right?) caused a “whoooboy THAT’S nuts” and an “oh yeah, that’s JUST what we need” — by me:

I didn’t read it, because I already got enough comedy and dumb-assery from the Washington Post this morning; and after laughing at that risible and obsequious G&M headline, reading this article would be just too much dumbassery for one day.


♦ Not nutty, just about the nutty left: another excellent explainer from Dennis Prager (a former columnist here!):
Leftism Is Not Liberalism. Here Are the Differences.


♦ Nutty Alert: The Globe & Mail rarely fails to deliver a daily smattering of leftist-inspired nonsense, not just in their reporting but in the form of right-wing-hating, America-hating, Christian-hating, and capitalism-hating opinions. This day is no exception. This example, a sort of book review by from their reliable smug leftist Lawrence Martin, is nothing new — it’s super dumb:

[Author] Mr. Andersen is selective in building his thesis [that America is full of loons — like Donald Trump! SHOCKA! — and Americans writ large are nutcases], piling all the unorthodoxies atop one another to give his narrative a convincing thrust. An author could well make the opposite case, selectively choosing all the fine examples of rationality running through American history that made the country a dominant global force. You won’t find many leaders more rational and judicious than Barack Obama. The American population elected him twice and, if he was allowed to run again, would probably have done so a third time. …

Barack Obama, aside from causing a historic racial divide, acting on pure left-wing ideology, was serially unjudicious, bypassing congress and issuing nonstop executive orders as if an emperor, shirking and outright contravening the Constitution countless times (which Lawrence Martin nonetheless calls “judicious!”). He will also go down in history largely as the president whose butt was most-kissed by a sycophantic left-wing media, as exemplified in Martin’s article here. This is utterly irrational in every way. Note Martin is a Canadian. A nutty one, but Canadian nonetheless. Dumbassery is evidently not confined to the ever-so nutty United States.


♦ Speaking of nuts: British Columbia elected a socialist NDP government this spring — actually let me start again. BC actually didn’t elect a socialist NDP government. The Liberals won the popular vote and the most seats, but the two even further leftist parties joined forces to oust the lesser leftists. So the socialist cabal have come up with an interim budget; or to put it more truthfully, they’ve come up with their first of many massive tax and spend gobbledegook screeds which will certainly wreck BC again — just like they did the last time BC had an NDP government. How’s that going over amongst the peeps?

Vancouver Sun, Sept 14 2017

Not a good start. Honeymoon over. But as Sun columnist Vaughn Palmer ever-so gently and deferentially writes (this incessant uncritical-of-the-NDP writing — is what helped get us here):

… [Finance Minister] James will need to rustle up more dollars to cover the cost of $10 child care ($855 million for the first three years alone) and $1 billion plus to complete the phase out of Medical Service Plan premiums, to mention just two of the not fully funded promises in Monday’s update.

On that basis, I would brace for additional tax increases, particularly if the economy flattens out more than she already projects.

Among the myriad unsaid: The NDP has literally lowered official economic expectations — GDP guidance — dramatically, and probably not even enough, to somewhat account for some of their upcoming socialist policies.

Let that sink in.

Brace for a lot more than just “additional tax increases,” BC. And Canada for that matter.

Joel Johannesen
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