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Liberal Party: “You’re stupid” — 940 likes. Me: “no, you’re stupid” — 1000+ likes.

My snappy retort to the Liberal Party post got more “Likes” than the Liberal Party post did.

OK, my headline says “You’re stupid.” It could also be that they’re stupid, as it also says. But if so, that means we’re stupid too because, well, they’re the elected government in power today due to our stupidity. (Not mine, but many people’s. Not yours I’m sure.)

Are we all stupid then? Well, we may have been. That can change. Let’s send it to the legal team.

Let’s just assume they think you’re stupid, which as I just said, you may well have been but I’m talking about right now — as they are. They posted that campaign-style ad on X that blatantly presumes you are stupid. Paraphrasing: “If Poilievre is elected, he’ll cancel our Carbon tax rebate and that would be bad.”

You probably see right through that utter bullshit because you’re smart (I base this on you being here and reading this. Sure it’s unscientific but it’s spot-on accurate analysis). Clearly, you smarties say, they think we’re stupid. How insulting.

But let’s leave open the possibility that they are stupid. If they are stupid, they would believe logic like that which they typed for all the world to see, thinking we’d buy into it. But they’d have to believe Poilievre would “scrap your [carbon tax] rebate” but still keep the carbon tax itself. We know — and they, too, certainly know because they blab about it nonstop as if they think it’s a bad idea — Poilievre plans to “axe the tax.” But we’re to believe, they don’t know that, or something.

As if they are completely stupid, they give away that this is all a ruse, when they add right in the same ad that “Poilievre would “AXE IT ALL” — playing on his “axe the tax” promise. This reveals that they know all about Poilievre’s plan to “axe the tax,” as well as the rebate since there’d clearly be no need for a rebate of, uh, no tax.

But they then double down on idiocy. They prefix those above words with the disgraceful “POILIEVRE’S CLIMATE DENIAL WOULD…” laying bare their belief that yes, indeed, they think you’re doubly stupid. Why? Because they think you’ll believe that Poilievre is a “climate denier” too — a turn of phrase that is so repugnant and stupid that even the most cultish adherents to the climate alarmist ideology would concede is a grotesque accusation on its face because every sane person agrees the phrase harkens back to Holocaust deniers; to say nothing of the fact that it mimics the taunts of dumb 12-year-old girls who particularly dumb progressive activist dolts raised.

By a preponderance of the evidence, I declare that they think you are stupid or even totally doubly stupid, but you’re not. And by logical extension, that makes them stupid. The court would like to advise that voting for them would, however, make you really stupid.


Joel Johannesen
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