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How to Offend Barbarians and Promote Diversity

[Editor’s note: The following column uses strong (though censored) language.]

Dear Revolution Muslim:

I am offended by your recent threats against the creators of South Park. I am offended specifically that the creators of South Park were threatened with death and that I received no similar threat. I have made statements against Mohammad that are far more offensive. What can I do to get you to threaten me with death – aside from calling you on the carpet as effeminate and cowardly?

Mike Adams
[email protected]

Dear Revolution Muslim:

I am disappointed that the post I left on your blog has been deleted. In that post, I called you on the carpet as being cowards because I simply do not believe you have the courage to engage in real Jihad. If you did, you would not have taken the pains to clarify your recent comments about the creators of South Park. There is no Jihad Lite. You are either willing to die for Islam or you are not. Anyone who is afraid he will get arrested for threatening people who write cartoons for a living cannot be considered a true Jihadist. In fact, I am so certain that you are cowards and frauds that I have little confidence you will leave this post on your blog either. I think you have disgraced Allah and that, in all likelihood, 72 male virgins await you in heaven.

Mike Adams
[email protected]

Dear Revolution Muslim:

On the front page of your blog there is a picture of a Muslim holding a sign that says “May Allah make a mushroom cloud over Israel.” I also saw an interview of your spokesperson in which it was said that 911 was a good thing and that your organization saw nothing wrong with the attacks on the World Trade Center. Do you also want Allah to make a mushroom cloud over Manhattan? And, if so, why does President Obama allow you crazy barbarians to continue to live in our country among civilized people?

Mike Adams
[email protected]

Dear Revolution Muslim:

Please give me a mailing address (just send it to the e-mail address I am posting on your blog). In response to an episode of South Park (aired several years ago) that featured a character uttering the phrase “F—- Jesus” I have printed a t-shirt. It says “F—- Mohammad.” My purpose in making this t-shirt is to see whether Muslims can be as tolerant as Christians in response to insults directed towards their religion. Welcome to America, where freedom of religion isn’t free. I look forward to hearing from you.

Mike Adams
[email protected]

Dear Revolution Muslim:

I am writing to inform you that I have commissioned a painting entitled “Elephant Dung Mohammed.” The purpose of this painting is to further educate you in the realm of religious tolerance. As you probably already know, a painting called “Elephant Dung Mary” was commissioned several years ago at taxpayer expense. I plan to mail you the original copy but I first need an address. Please provide one. And please stop deleting my posts from your blog.

Mike Adams
[email protected]

Dear Revolution Muslim:

I just tried to call you at your registered phone number (718-312-8203). Sadly, it seems to be out of service. Could you provide me with a new number so I can call towards the end of getting on your death list?

Mike Adams
[email protected]

Dear Revolution Muslim:

I am writing to inform you that I have commissioned a painting entitled “The P—- Allah.” The purpose of this painting is to further educate you in the realm of religious tolerance. As you probably already know, a painting called “The P—- Christ” was commissioned several years ago at taxpayer expense. I plan to mail you the original copy but I first need an address. Please provide one. And, please, do not delete this – my seventh post – from your blog. Show some respect and tolerance for views other than your own – like the American taxpayers are forced to do all the time.

Mike Adams
[email protected]

Dear Revolution Muslim:

I am writing to invite you to join a new Facebook group I have started called “Mike Adams’ Redneck Jihad.” The group is dedicated to waging Jihad against three types of Americans:

a) The unprincipled coward,
b) The sanctimonious hypocrite and
c) The enemy of free speech.

From what I’ve seen so far, the members of Revolution Muslim are “d) All of the above.”

Mike S. Adams
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