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How Liberals Think, Example 69: redux

That race for the Liberal Party leadership is attracting some of the best liberals in the country!  Now it’s attracting Juno award winners.  That’s entertainment!

MacIsaac wants Liberal post

Fiddler to seek federal leadership nod, will sell paintings to finance his campaign

With a fiddle-playing premier now in office, could another fiddler be destined for greater power?

Yesterday, Cape Breton fiddler Ashley MacIsaac called The Daily News to say he intends to run for the leadership of the Liberal Party of Canada.

[…] He also wants to run to bring his youth to the party and to end the “continuous mockery that’s been allowed to take place of my party.”

MacIsaac has mused about running for office in the past. He insisted yesterday that this time he’s serious.

He will finance his bid by selling some art he owns. Leadership contenders must pay the Liberal party $50,000.

The three pieces consist of paintings of: the House of Commons, a Canadian flag and a cartoon depiction of the Last Supper with 9/11-era world leaders and terrorists. […]

It reminded me of a column I wrote a long time ago about Ashley MacIsaac.  Here’s a repost of it:

How Liberals Think: Example 69

November 19 2004
By Joel Johannesen

Popular Conservative premier Ralph Klein of Alberta says he will protect the traditional definition of marriage as being that between a (human) man and a (human) women.  That’s a popular and right-headed pro-family and pro-nation-building sentiment and a conservative sentiment to boot.  That’s what makes him popular.

…which by coincidence is also what so infuriates the liberal-left.

In answer to that, a typical liberal-left spokesman, the barely-known outside of Maritime and Atlantic Canada Canadian fiddler Ashley MacIsaac, who just for clarification is a male, says he’s planning to have a big huge homosexual wedding in Alberta—the biggest dang one those straight-up Albertans ever did see.

Alberta was the only province to speak up at the Supreme Court of Canada hearing on the question of changing the definition of marriage (they were against it).

As punishment, MacIsaac thinks a huge gay wedding will teach those Albertans for speaking up for something they believe in. Or to put it more accurately, for speaking up for something liberals don’t believe in.  And this very public attempt to spit in the faces of those annoying conservatives who also happen to be Canadians who dared to quietly and quite properly raise their voice in a court of law, makes MacIsaac a liberal-left hero.

Of course he also mentioned that he’d first have to find someone to marry.  No he doesn’t have a “partner”, least of all in the Alberta cowboy sense, at least not at this moment. But I imagine some nice young man will open his mouth and offer himself up—and I don’t expect MacIsaac cares who, nor what age they are.

I find it amusing that in order to shout-down the traditional marriage lobby, who never have pride parades, the liberals have to hold the biggest gay wedding ever in the history of the country.  And it’s not to demonstrate love or honor or morality or peace, it’s simply for politics; and to annoy and be boisterous and mock those who want nothing more than love and honor and morality and peace and thousands of years of tradition.

He explained his Big Huge Gay Marriage plans over the phone to the Calgary Herald.  Oh by the way, he pointed out that he was smoking pot while on the phone.  Check.  Liberals smoke pot while talking politics—this is not news, merely a confirmation.  Others get fellatio performed on them by underlings while in the Oval Office.  Yawn.  Barf.

Last year, MacIsaac sued the Ottawa Citizen for reporting something he thought cast him in a bad light.  While performing in Ottawa the fiddler picked out some Asian women in the audience and joked about them spreading SARS, according to the Ottawa Citizen.  Oh my, gee hey, please stop, my sides are aching from all the funny!  Then MacIsaac followed up his hilarious remarks about Asian women spreading SARS by declaring an attraction to Asian girls in Catholic-school kilts, the Ottawa Citizen reported.  Oh again with the humorous anecdotes.

Just so we’re all clear:  When liberals get caught making racist and sexist and anti-Christian and pedophilic remarks, they are merely “joking”, and we should all just take a pill, or alternatively, chill.  When a conservative defends traditional marriage, he’s a “homophobe”.  And a “barbarian”.  And “must be stopped”.  Got it?

“I plan on having the largest gay wedding that Canada’s ever seen,” MacIsaac said.

“And I’m trying to get a TV company to produce Who Wants to Marry Ashley MacIsaac as a reality show.”

Possibly this is drug-induced fantasy-talk.  He’s already admitted to being high or in the process of getting high on illegal drugs while talking. Nothing un-liberal about that. Heck the Liberals even want to decriminalize this activity so that in his next interview, he won’t be forced to admit to being in the process of committing a criminal offence.  Soon you can expect lots more sucking sounds when on the phone with your Liberal MLA because thanks to them it will all be copacetic!

In previous years, MacIsaac has shouted obscenities—not at conservative Canadians or Americans in general like liberals usually do—but at his own fans, who were in attendance at his own concerts.  Well actually, Liberal MP Carolyn Parrish did say of her party “they can all go to Hell” just this week.  Maybe it’s a new liberal-lefty trend like their nipple piercings.

Sounds right.

In 2000, he declared bankruptcy.  As a liberal, he’s not prone to being fiscally conservative or paying bills in his lifetime, nor is he accustomed to paying for fans with his own money.  So remember, if you’re invited, which I guess we all will be, the gay couple will be registered at the Royal Bank of Canada.

In 1996, MacIsaac was quoted as saying he enjoyed sexual acts involving urination with his 16-year-old boyfriend, according to the CBC.CA web site (and you know the story must be true since the state-run CBC is staffed by Liberal Party and NDP apologists, hacks and appointees who might normally take a dive for a fella named Ashley).

On another liberal web site, and I swear I was just researching how liberals think (for example, on this liberal site’s annual “Sex Survey”, they promote its findings as such: “Butt plug accidents. Exploding vibrators. Voluntary degradation. Your landlord catching you in bondage. Blowjob and cunnilingus haikus! All this and more in our annual Sex Survey” ), there was this quote by one of their writers, who wrote a story about MacIsaac the anti-conservative some time ago:

And during that interview, I did ask MacIsaac about all the rumours. In particular, his penchant for pee. Ashley, as it turns out, loves to have men piss on him. He discussed that with me. And that rumour about a 15-year-old boyfriend? I didn’t have to bother to ask; he was right there in the room with us, eager to get his name in the article.

The media stopped fawning over him for a while from what I can tell—until now of course, as you can see, because naturally this massive gay wedding in Alberta is something the liberal-left media can really wrap their mouths around in lieu of their heads. Yet ironically in the same Montreal Mirror interview, MacIsaac was quoted as saying this:

“I’m sick and tired of being labelled a f[***]ing loser. The media take too many liberties. They sell too many newspapers with this crap. I’ve made more millions than most people will have in 10 lifetimes. I won’t open my mouth to the media anymore, it’s not worth it.”

Just who’s opening their mouths for whom and for what purpose is always the subject of some speculation among us inquisitive conservatives when reviewing the antics of a one of the members of the liberal-left club, just as what it is that comes out of their mouths.

Because that’s how liberals think.

Joel Johannesen
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