Monday, June 17, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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Holy honk

I don’t know why but this meme making the rounds made me laugh for about two minutes.

Other things that made me laugh: You might have to be older than most tech company execs to get this:

I actually retweeted this because it made me laugh out loud harder than when I read CTV “News’s” Glen McGregor’s “news” tweets about the violent Nazi racist insurrection siege  Truckers’ hate convoy of white supremacy. It’s the first retweet I’ve done since abandoning my active Twittering.

I love how this raving lunatic male (if I may use the term “male” … perhaps I should say “penis carrier”) version of a Karen drops his ever so sacred double or triple mask down, as he shrieks at people he hates because they’re demanding freedom. Bizzaro World, folks. This is what criminally horrible political and government leadership brings you.

Click to view it.

This one I love because it’s true. So true it’s funny. On the other hand, this guy hasn’t seen the Canadian “news” media’s handling of the Nazi white supremacist racist misogynist (times one jillion!) radical alt-right f-ing siege Trump insurrection in Canada.

I love me my Babylon Bee.

That’s all I’ve got for now but I’ll add more if I find more.

Joel Johannesen
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