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Hillary of the North?

The left-wing millionaire mayor of Vancouver, also known as Mayor Moonbeam, and as the mayor whose primary legacy after three terms in office (and actually the only thing I can think of that he’s done at all) is creating annoying, traffic-jamming bike lanes in downtown Vancouver — is losing his chief of staff.

We don’t care that Mike Magee is leaving his job, but it brought about interesting reminders about who we’re dealing with here, and how eerily similar the theme is to Hillary Clinton and her quagmire of email deletions, questionable use of her office for personal or political gain, cozy relationships with certain individuals and groups, among other things (I make no allegations here — just pontificating based on news reports).

Magee is going back to the business he founded, Convergence Strategies, which is a left-wing hub of, well, something, but it’s unclear to me what. I think it’s designed that way, as most far-left organizations are. Every time I have to sort out these left-wing groups, I wind up in a morass of cross-pollinating socialists, with the same left-wing individuals and group names popping up almost every time, each name and group itself being a morass of other intermingling socialists. Then I have to shower.

This, from a report written up in Business in Vancouver last week (Oct 21, 2016) about the departure of Magee:

…At his 2008 swearing-in, Robertson vowed: “I will not let you down on making city hall more open and accountable,” yet the Vision Vancouver city hall still has no lobbyist registry, was slammed for cosy relations with developers and found to have repeatedly broken freedom of information laws.

Magee admitted to the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner in early 2015 that he mass-deletes his email. An OIPC investigation released last June found city hall delayed information inappropriately, deliberately missed deadlines, lost documentation, released incomplete responses and discriminated against reporters who sought public information.

A judge turned down a 2014-filed B.C. Supreme Court petition that alleged Robertson was in conflict of interest over the lease of a civic building to Hootsuite. But the case included evidence that Magee used his Convergence email account for communicating with Hootsuite CEO Ryan Holmes while the deal was under negotiation. The OIPC has said that public workers are not allowed to use private email accounts to subvert FOI laws.

Note that the article and its pretty scathing information was printed just last week, three terms after Robertson was first elected. I imagine CNN and the Washington Post and NBC the rest of them will similarly take-up the news flash about Clinton’s 30 years of corruption shortly after she’s elected again in 2020.

Mike Magee reportedly orchestrated Robertson’s rise to power under the new left-wing “Vision” civic party banner, first by helping break apart the then-dominating left-wing civic political party COPE, which, as I’ve documented here over the years, is a party associated with the NDP and was associated with the more full-on communists. “[A]ctivists from the British Columbia New Democratic Party and the Communist Party of British Columbia is how Wikipedia airily describes COPE’s roots. Robertson was erstwhile a member of the BC legislature (under the NDP banner, as if I had to tell you).

Convergence Strategies’ services reportedly include “strategic finance and philanthropy, campaign and communications planning, branding and focus groups.” In other words, what? Luckily I speak Socialist Buzzword so I have an idea of what they do. I think it’s funding and organizing groups with an unnamed but ardently left-wing political agenda. For example, a previous version of Convergence’s still “under construction” website says, “The Convergence team serves diverse groups and individuals committed to a vision of positive social and environmental change.” And “committed to unleashing the power and wisdom of social change leaders, philanthropists, investors, organizations, and movements. We offer a range of services to clients across Canada and the U.S….”.

Dog whistle alert.

A quick scan of the clients reveals the far-left pedigree:

The website listed more that [sic] 50 clients, including Tides Canada and Renewal Partners, several American foundations, BC Hydro, EcoJustice, various First Nations groups and “several anonymous donors and investors.”

Most of us on the right know about Tides and other far-left groups which share radical-left agendas. (Gregor Robertson was also a Tides Canada director from 2002 -2004). The groups Magee is involved with appear to be a whole grab-bag of these far-left polemicists and rabble rousers. Those groups’ own backers are in turn other far-left agitators and financiers — including George Soros, for example, who finances much of the far-left political activity and adjunct organizations in the U.S. and globally —  and also including Hillary Clinton and the Clinton industrial complex. Here’s a screengrab of a recent Washington Times article:


This is all rather ironic if you recall left-wing career politician and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and her infamous whine du jour — illegitimate and deceptive though it was — about the “vast right-wing conspiracy,” which (along with Monica Lewinski and scads of other allegedly raped and abused women) was supposedly keeping her and her man and their leftist vision down. In fact for the Clintons and their machine the reality is that to this very day, the vastly left-wing news media and Hollywood and academia and historians and authors and their political hacks continue to, um, vastly cooperate in every which way to slay the conservative right (in the U.S. and in Canada); and continue to rescue The Clintons and protect them, and continue to promote the crap out of them with their vast resources, all day long.

So apparently these far-left organizations and players are not just marching America toward their dream of a socialist and eco-left sanctuary but Canada too. Their lefty tentacles touch each other across borders (national borders is itself a concept they deplore) and across the business/personal/government line too. (Vivian Krause is your go-to for tons of extremely useful insight into the U.S./Canada ties amongst politicians and groups, doing her own reporting and boldly, publicly, asking key people Fair Questions on Twitter.)

The similarities between leftist politicians here and leftist politicians like Hillary Clinton with her disdain for huge swaths of the “deplorable” American electorate continues: Like the lefties in the U.S. caught in the Wikileaks’ transparency-a-palooza, Robertson and his associates were caught on a “hot mic” badmouthing Canadian citizens who opposed him too. He and his comrades all laughed at and mocked the citizens after some dared to speak in a public forum in council chambers against his government’s plans. Gregor Robertson: “Who are all these fucking…who are these hacks, man?” (Hot mic action starts at the 1:55 mark, man):

Hillary didn’t call Trump’s supporters “Fucking” deplorables — just “a basket of deplorables,” but comparisons between what’s going on in the U.S. and in Canada abound. Vancouver is often called “Hollywood North” — a moniker which makes me gag for several good reasons — but it could also be called “Hillary North” — which is even more gag-worthy.

And then there’s Ontario.

Joel Johannesen
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