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Hey Joel, what is “progressive?”

Here’s another one from my long-running “series” on X in which I have an imaginary friend* or lost soul* on the internet (*they could be the same person) ask me what in tarnation “progressive” is. It goes something like this:

Hey Joel, what is “progressive?”

Well, here are two real statements from the news just today:

1. “So no, the newspaper bailout has done nothing to reverse our long-term decline. What it has done is increase our dependence on government.

See, my friend/lost soul, that dependence on government was their *point.* That is one of the very most literal points of progressivism. For everyone, and every organization. And as I’ve told others in the past, when the government meddles in the market, it wrecks the market. And they know this. In advance.

2. “Oilsands giants want changes to Ottawa’s environmental advertising bill, saying it’s ‘stifled’ discussion.

Yes, again, see, that was their *point.* They want to control, among other things (OK well among every other thing), the narrative. YOUR narrative even. How you think. What you’re allowed to say. The discussion you’re allowed to have. Literally.

That’s what progressive is. Happy to help. I’ll send my bill. What do you mean you think you were ripped off? [The rest of this discussion isn’t available right now.]

What it has done is increase our dependence on government.
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Oilsands giants say gov is stifling discussion about their value to the country and customers
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Reference links (which most of you can’t read because you don’t subscribe to the (highly government subsidized) Globe and Mail or the (highly government subsidized) Financial Post as I do):

Andrew Coyne:

Please stop helping us: the newspaper bailout is a comprehensive policy failure

Chris Varcoe:

Oilsands giants want changes to Ottawa’s environmental advertising bill, saying it’s ‘stifled’ discussion

If you do pay to read the (highly government subsidized) Globe and Mail, I highly recommend the Andrew Coyne column today. He’s been on the right side of this issue from the start, even if his paper has not been.

I can’t recommend the other one at the (highly government subsidized) Financial Post. It’s milquetoast at best. The headline, which I used here, was the best part, because it made me laugh at how so many in the oil and gas industry, who have behaved like sycophants and kowtowed and sucked-up to the progressives’ climate alarmist cult edicts by employing much of the same language and asinine “net-zero” policy edicts of their own, then seem shocked! Shocked I tell you! to be slapped in the face and hammered in return, by a progressive-left government which hates their guts and always has and always will. It’s like these companies are being run by nerdy 16-year-old high school naïfs trying to be one of the cool kids, but can’t because the cool kids are assholes and bullies. Or progressives.


Joel Johannesen
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