Saturday, July 27, 2024

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Global News: left-wing biased or extremely lazy and misinformative. It’s one or the other.

I wrote a comment in an online “news” article written by Global News. Here’s what I wrote:

The journalist writes, “His comments prompted vitriol, and mockery, online:”

Hey Global News, did O’Reilly’s comments prompt any support, and compliments, online? Any at all? I ask because it’s important to show some semblance of journalistic balance, and tell the whole, true story.

Yes of course they did, as if I had to tell you. I saw dozens on Twitter alone. And they were from regular folks — not from the likes of one of your examples, whose twitter account bio reads: “African Descendant. Revolutionary Socialist.” Or another of your examples, a far-leftist who works for the huge far-left agitprop organization Media Matters for America, another Soros-funded anti-Fox News activist organization whose basic premise is that Fox News Channel is the very embodiment of evil, or something, and which spends most of its time and millions of dollars simply smearing Fox News. Another of your examples describes one of Trump’s advisors as a “Nazi” in one of his tweets, and calls the GOP “fascist” in another. In yet another, he wrote “Let those who have never thought ‘Wow, @realDonaldTrump really wants to f**k his daughter,’ cast the first stone.” (The asterisks are mine).

I also wonder why Global News didn’t include the whole O’Reilly talking points video instead of just their clipped version. The whole thing is only a few seconds longer and provides greater context. It’s at Bill O’Reilly’s web site and at Fox News for those of you who really want to be properly informed. Also worth noting that an extended conversation was had afterwards, with people from both sides of the political aisle.

So this is a blatantly biased and unfair “news” article written by someone whose Global News bio includes this: “She enjoys digging in to issues that matter…”  I really don’t see how that’s true.

Joel Johannesen
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