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Georgia Tech Coming Out Week

Warning: This article contains sexual references that may be offensive to readers.

Recently, a young Georgia Tech student wrote me an angry letter saying I had unfairly criticized some of last year’s Georgia Tech Coming Out Week (CTCOW) activities as “pornographic.” His missive contained classic liberal arguments like “Liar! Liar! Pants on fire!” and “You’re a homo!”

I hope readers will trust that I am not a “homo” and that my pants are not presently “on fire.” If so, I can defend my use of the term “pornographic” in reference to at least one GTCOW event. A brief overview of the 2004 GTCOW activities schedule should settle the argument:

On Monday, October 4, 2004, GTCOW held a “Kick-Off Fair” where a variety of students and faculty stood up to show support for their LGBT friends.

Later that day, an event called “Sex for Ramblin’ Wrecks” was convened so that “The homos and the heteros and the guys and the gals (could) come together for a fun night of sex trivia, where you find girls that don’t know what a (offensive term deleted) is and guys who have no idea how to put on a condom.”

On Tuesday, October 5, 2004, a “Gay Marriage Debate” was scheduled.

On Wednesday, October 6, 2004, the “Alumni Panel” focused on serious questions like “What’s it like to be out (of the closet) in the workplace?”

On Thursday, October 7, 2004, the “Coming Out Workshop” was sponsored by the Counseling Center. The stages of coming out were discussed along with the challenges and benefits of each.

Later that night the “Big Gay Out: WÃ

Mike S. Adams
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