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Fork Replaces Donkey as Democratic Party Symbol

I’m not sure Sen. John Cornyn was helping with that lengthy presentation attempting to establish the many similarities between Samuel Alito and Sandra Day O’Connor.

It doesn’t matter. Liberals are being routed. They can change the lineup, the manager, the coach, but the losing streak never ends. By and large, Republicans aren’t even bothering to send in their A team anymore. Alito can start wearing his iPod to the hearings. By the end of the hearings, he’ll be addressing the senators as “dude.”

For fun, we ought to replace all the Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee with “American Idol” contestants (assuming they wouldn’t object to serving on a committee that includes a degenerate like Teddy Kennedy). Democrats would still not be able to persuade a single normal American that Sam Alito is “out of the mainstream.”

With all their hysteria about Valerie Plame, I had nearly forgotten what the Democratic Party stands for. It’s good to be reminded that the sole item on the Democrats’ agenda is abortion.

According to Dianne Feinstein, Roe v. Wade is critically important because “women all over America have come to depend on it.” At its most majestic, this precious right that women “have come to depend on” is the right to have sex with men they don’t want to have children with.

There’s a stirring principle! Leave aside the part of this precious constitutional right that involves 1) not allowing Americans to vote on the matter, and 2) suctioning brains out of half-born babies. The right to have sex with men you don’t want to have children with is not exactly “Give me liberty, or give me death.”

In the history of the nation, there has never been a political party so ridiculous as today’s Democrats. It’s as if all the brain-damaged people in America got together and formed a voting bloc.

The Federalists drafted the greatest political philosophy ever written by man and created the first constitutional republic. The anti-Federalists—or “pre-Democrats, as I call them—were formed to oppose the Constitution, which, to a great extent, remains their position today.

Andrew Jackson, the father of the Democratic Party, may have had some unpalatable goals, but at least they were big ideas. Wipe out the Indians, kill off the national bank and institute a spoils system. Love him or hate him, he never said, “I’ll be announcing my platform sometime early next year.” The Whigs were formed in opposition to everything Jackson stood for.

The Republican Party emerged from the Whigs when the Whigs waffled on slavery. (They were “pro-choice” on slavery.) The Republican Party was founded expressly as the anti-slavery party, which to a great extent remains their position today.

Having won that one, today’s Republican Party stands for life, limited government and national defense. And today’s Democratic Party stands for … the right of women to have unprotected sex with men they don’t especially like. We’re the Blacks-Aren’t-Property/Don’t-Kill-Babies party. They’re the Hook-Up party.

Leave aside any moral questions about baby-killing—a term I have come to understand the baby-killing party dislikes. Smoking is fun too, but even I wouldn’t support a political party whose sole raison d’etre was to eliminate non-smoking sections across the nation. That’s not exactly the Magna Carta.

This week’s conventional wisdom is that the Democrats weren’t even trying to nail Alito at the confirmation hearings. Au contraire! The Democrats were tigers! They proved exactly what they set out to prove.

In fact, Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-Hillary’s state, was so deft in his questioning, he even has me convinced that Alito is going to vote to overrule Roe v. Wade. (And just when I thought I couldn’t be more enthusiastic about the nomination!)

I’ll go out on a limb and bet that, after the Democrats’ expert cross-examination, Judge Alito has lost the support of every single member of NARAL.

The problem for the Democrats is: NARAL members aren’t like most people. “Give me liberty or give me the right to have unprotected sex with men I don’t want to have a child with” just isn’t that attractive a principle in the light of day.

Ann Coulter
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