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Feeling phobic? The Libs have a phobia for you!

Whoever writes the Liberal Party’s X posts is a phobiaphobe. So I replied.

And then someone replied to my reply, and I wrote a really longform reply which Ill just reproduce here because I can (below this graphic of the phobic phobia phobiamania-a-palooza event):

My reply to the Aussi was long, despite me writing it on my treadmill doing a 45-minute hill-climb burn-o-rama in which I burned 458 calories! It’s how I stay so sexy, ladies. (And yes you can write longform replies like this on X now. After 280 characters readers can expand the post (“show more”) to reveal the extended post. Cool no?):

Here’s long reply [note the typo! Still can’t edit replies, Elon!].

I did spell Liberalphobia with a big L on purpose, but yeah I know – it’s different in Northern America and elsewhere compared to Australia. As American writer Ann Coulter said, “By the age of fourteen, you’re either a conservative or a liberal if you have an IQ above a toaster.”

Classical liberalism is indeed the belief in freedom including free markets and free speech — and the protection of individual freedom or liberty, among other things. Those were always and still are right wing or conservative beliefs too.

But lately liberals in North America have become more illiberal. They interfere in free markets (thereby wrecking them), and they are increasingly, demonstrably, a real threat to free speech. (There are other things too, like their insatiable desire to grow the size and scope of what is already “Big Government” and of the already oversized bureaucratic state, and of the amount of and scope of government power over us, and they incessantly increase regulations, increase control of the economy, etc. — all things associated with left-wing or far-left ideology and totalitarian politics.)

Actual liberals are being left behind and find themselves aligning better with conservatives (who haven’t shifted) or not voting at all.

Canada’s Liberal Party has become full-on leftist. In Canada the Liberals are contractually in bed with the far-left socialist NDP for example. They both call themselves “progressives” — just as do the socialist parties everywhere.

So we might rewrite Ann’s quote to suit Canada’s reality today: “you’re either a progressive or a conservative…” — and liberals have no home (although they are apparently going to the Conservatives per recent polling).

I’m a conservative with a small c and will vote Conservative with a big C.

Since I liked using  the longform reply so much, I replied to a CTV “News” post about the plight of the LGBTQ72+% traveler.

And here’s the whole thing:

Not good. Re-fund the police, and arrest them.

I think this is mostly due to excessive pushing what was simply LGB — which very few people have a prob with. But then adding the T and what are really sometimes mental-health-based perversions in multiple other letters, numbers, and symbols.

This plus the way too in-your-face and way too frequent and way too long days, months and now entire seasons of LBGTQRST123++?&WTF “pride” propaganda shoved down our throats and dominating every damn thing we do every summer.

No human likes that. Nutters will likely respond to that unfortunately. And they are to blame for their actions. But I think most humans — including gay people I know and love — would welcome a toning down and shortening of the now 11-month-long “pride season.”

I expect I have angered the T+ crowd. I expect a backlash.

Joel Johannesen
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