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David Suzuki in weekend Vancouver Sun: “I don’t give a shi*”. Got that, kids?

imageEven I, as jaded as I now am as a reader and viewer of liberal-left media, was not prepared for the vulgar PG-16 crap-speak that they printed on page A-6 of their supposedly decent family newspaper (see left), even if the crapspeak was from the crap-speaker-in-chief, David (bug doctor) Suzuki, that political scientist posing as the Canadian enviro messiah of all get out. 

Apart from their fanciful notion of being a fair and objective news media, the Vancouver Sun, along with Canwest generally, also poses as a major media proponent of the “Raise A Reader” children’s literacy program.  Through that program, they urge toddlers and all kids of all ages (as early as possible for the “early learning” —wink!) to pick up the newspaper and read it through and through.  To learn.  They also advocate “spell-a-thons” and back the Canwest national spelling bee and various other learn them kids right kind of advocacy, and even supply schools with their newspaper.  And they thought it would be PERFECTLY appropriate to include those particular words. 

But of course I should, I suppose, be a good liberal shoulder-shrugger and give up all my stupid ethics and ancient vestiges of decency and conservatism because after all, it’s SUZUKI.  David Suzuki is the man they would most love your kids to adopt as their role model;  their ideal human.  He’s the left’s favorite son.  He’s the favorite anti-corporate, anti-conservative icon of the far left greenery.  He’s the official environmental alarmist and political scientist for the left;  He’s pseudo-god David Suzuki, and he tells your kids, “I don’t give a shi*”.  So they shouldn’t, and I shouldn’t, either.

I wonder if the great master speaks like that to his grand kids.  Does “grandpa” say “fu**” this and and “I don’t give a shi*” about that all day long to them?  I guess he does.  Apparently that’s how he and the Vancouver Sun speak to you and your kids now, so it must be OK now.  That’s “progressive” in the truest sense.  Raise a reader —help them become values-challenged adults who don’t give a shi*!

Here’s the image they placed on their “Raise A Reader” article earlier this year.  Hope those little kids pictured here are absorbing some fantastic words and ideas like those of the false idol and left-wing ideological icon Suzuki!

image Those words were part of a larger effort to obfuscate.  To help drive their agenda. 

Just as nearly all the other liberal-left lamestream media has done and is still doing in light of ClimateGate, Canwest’s Vancouver Sun invests a whole page, this weekend, to deflect and redirect your attention AWAY from that nefarious scandal, instead of fully exploring it and its ramifications.  Like the rest of the liberal left, the lamestream media is now fully invested in everything ClimateGate exposes as a fraud. 

So they do this in lieu of fully addressing the issue like the ever so honest brokers of truth and facts and science that they hold themselves out to be.  This makes them cowards, and ideologues. I personally hope that’s what your kids learn.

The Vancouver Sun and David Suzuki.  Screw the kids.  We got some phony idols and left-wing ideology to sells ya.  Have a lovely weekend.  (Like we give a shi* about you and your family.)

Joel Johannesen
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