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Darkness lifts

Soon, we’ll be able to sing our anthem with pride again

“I sit in one of the dives on 52nd Street as the clever hopes expire of a low, dishonest decade.”—Poet W.H. Auden

Well, my friends, it surely has been a low, dishonest decade as the Jean Chretien and Paul Martin Nihilists—no, true classical liberal would recognize this bunch of unprincipled opportunists among their kin—degraded our nation and denigrated our friends around the world.

But now the darkness appears to be lifting. Now, or very, very soon, we will be able to sing O Canada with pride again and hold our heads up high in the world once more.

OK, OK—I’m as disappointed as you likely are that Conservative Leader Stephen Harper didn’t manage to win 155 seats and pull off a majority government, but at least we have slapped Martin in the face and ousted his bunch of con artists and clowns from power.

Harper and his MPs are the flipside of the Chretien/Martin cabal.

The Conservatives are honest and decent men and women who care about our nation and who now have the chance to start rebuilding it.

They will rebuild it, too, and Harper, I predict, will grow in stature with average Canadians, and as voters see his performance and witness the Conservative government’s accomplishments, they will come not only to admire him but to cherish him.

Right now, the only individuals sitting in lowlife bars gulping down shots of Scotch or pouring pints of beer down their throats are ousted Grit MPs, party insiders, high-living lobbyists and the rest of the bunch who’ve been at the Liberal patronage trough since 1993.

Not only are they drowning their sorrows, but they are also trying to calm their quaking nerves because when the Conservatives start going through the books, they will find financial rip-offs of the taxpayers’ money that will make AdScam look like chicken feed.

No wonder my pal, Calgary South Centre MP Lee Richardson, predicted earlier this month in my column “Cleansing time,” (Jan. 8) we’ll see a lot of Liberal insiders jumping off the Macdonald-Cartier Bridge in suicide bids when the skeletons start tumbling out of the closet.

The Liberal campaign was marked by political dishonesty, political deceit and political duplicity.

It was a campaign of distortion, deception, and, can I say, hate.

That’s precisely why Harper didn’t haul in a stack more seats.

Martin, who professes to be a staunch Roman Catholic while ignoring Vatican dictates on abortion and homosexuality, will surely be spending a lot of time begging for absolution the next time he goes to the confessional. He just better make sure Bishop Fred Henry isn’t the one who hears his whining apologies.

Martin, his candidates and strategists tried to scare voters by talking about hidden agendas, radicals and extremists, bigots and racists. Well, on this one they were right.

There were radicals and extremists and bigots and racists in this election—but all on the Liberal side.

I’m glad Stephen took my advice to wear polo neck or turtleneck sweaters whenever he could.

They gave him that dashing and flamboyant look, a bit like Douglas Fairbanks Jr. in The Prisoner of Zenda. The aging Martin—a guy picking up his OAP and CPP cheques at that—looked jaded by comparison.

Rather unsettling, though, that all six senators supposedly representing our province’s interests in the Upper House—Joyce Fairbairn, Dan Hays, Tommy Banks, Claudette Tarif, Elaine McCoy and Grant Mitchell—owe their souls to Pierre Trudeau, Chretien or Martin.

Will they have the decency to resign and let Alberta’s legitimately elected senators take their rightful places?

We’ll soon see if these individuals have a twinge of conscience, or if they try to scuttle the work of Alberta’s 28 elected MPs and the Alberta people’s wishes.

Finally, a political insider suggested to me Martin may now decide to write a book about his philosophy and achievements as prime minister.

My advice, to the shipping tycoon is don’t bother.

No one’s interested in the meanderings of a loser, and when it comes to losers, Martin is right up there with John Turner, Joe Clark and Kim Campbell.

Go back to swabbing decks on the high seas, Paul, for that’s where your talent really lies.


Paul Jackson
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