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ClimateGate continues: “scientists” (and left-wing politicians) ignore the science of “email”

Excellent Lorne Gunter column at NatPo today.  Here’s a passage of “The skeleton of climate change”:

…Nevertheless, delegates in the Danish capital have practically glossed over the CRU “Climategate” leaks. That’s partly because they refuse to let the facts get in the way of their cause, but it’s mostly because Copenhagen isn’t about climate change as a physical phenomenon, but rather climate change as an opportunity to regulate people’s lives and incomes on a global scale.

It’s about carbon taxes on rich countries to raise money for the UN to give to poorer countries, regardless of whether that has any impact on climate. It’s about international bureaucrats regulating business and personal decisions in the name of saving the planet. And it’s about giving the outward appearance of caring, about patting one another on the back for the deep moral superiority they are demonstrating as climate campaigners.

So what if the CRU emails and code files are full of instructions about where to insert the artificial corrections to real scientific data to make that data produce scary-looking graphs showing catastrophic warming? Who cares if the climate record, without the artificial corrections, shows the current warming is not the greatest warming of the past 8,000 years, or even the second-or third-, but the fourth-greatest? This is about implementing carbon taxes or cap-and-trade schemes or building huge carbon sequestration systems — more to prove we care than to clear the air.  …

Also good and related:  “Weaver’s web” —a column by Peter Foster also at NatPo today

The spinning from the climate industry in the wake of Climategate has been as fascinating as the incriminating emails themselves.

One demand being peddled by the powers-that-warm in Copenhagen and elsewhere is that we should all concentrate not on the damning emails, but on who was responsible for their “theft,” which had to be carried out for money, which in turn obviously came from the fossil fuel industry.

These guilty-until-proven-innocent villains have also been fingered by Canada’s warmist spinner-in-chief, Dr. Andrew Weaver. Dr. Weaver, who is Canada Research Chair in Climate Modelling and Analysis at the University of Victoria, claims that his office has been broken into twice, that colleagues have suffered hack attacks, and that mysterious men masquerading as technicians have attempted to penetrate the university’s data defences.

There have been no arrests, and there are no suspects, but Dr. Weaver has no problem pointing to the shadowy culprits — the fossil fuel industry — thus joining his colleagues in the left coast Suzuki-PR-industrial complex. …

And I loved this line in John Stossel’s most recent TownHall column, in which he thinks out loud about what he should do his new Fox Business Channel debut show on, this Friday (he’s prepared two shows in advance):

On second thought, with Barack Obama heading to Copenhagen promising America will cut its greenhouse gasses by 83 percent (not 82, not 84—exactly 83), I may do my first show on global warming.

Joel Johannesen
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