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ClimateGate continues; Liberal media remains silent. Who’s the “denier” now?

February 7, 2008 article: “Jail politicians who ignore climate science: Suzuki” 

Suzuki says JAIL climate deniers--and then it bites him in his enviro-politics ass  Still think we should JAIL ALL THOSE WHO IGNORE THE “CLIMATE SCIENCE”, SUZUKI?

Talk about your asinine pronouncements of abject intolerance and anti-science coming back and biting you in the pseudo-science and exceedingly naive left-wing junior politician ass. 

The right-thinking folks like me who, after thorough study, constantly and openly highlighted and then questioned the “science” and politics (I always referred to it more succinctly as the “political science” to advance my interest in accuracy, and to properly differentiate it from actual science) behind the “man-made global warming” —were never silent about it.  Quite the contrary.  We were and remain a loud voice in the wilderness.  I don’t need to prove it.  Even if the media refused to openly discuss our objections in print or on TV, the leftists and Gore’s zombies and other enviro-nuts kept telling us to shut up, and actually sought to shut us up by any means possibleliterally including putting us in jail.  One liberal-leftist wrote online that we should be EXECUTED.  So clearly, we weren’t silent. 

We were and are dismissed as “deniers”.  (Some liberals get all confused over their pseudo-science terms though, and also call us “racists”, and “homophobes” and of course the new term du jour, the ever-pleasant “teabaggers”.)  But now that it has been all but solidly proven that the left has sought — and continues to seek— to silence the truth from being revealed in what we now see is the anything-but-settled “science” around the “man-made global warming”, the liberal media has not reported on it with any degree of candor at all.  They’re keeping it under wraps.

And that’s not merely “denying”.  That’s pure deception.  A cover-up of massive proportion, matched only by the size and scope of the hysterical “man-made global warming” fraud itself.  A pathological lapse of principle and integrity.  No wonder they call liberalism a disease.

Nets That Touted ‘Deniers’ ‘Conspiracy,’ Now Mum on Left’s Global Warming Distortions

By: Rich Noyes
November 24, 2009 11:34 ET

As of Tuesday morning, the broadcast networks still haven’t uttered a single word about the revelations late last week of e-mails showing scientists on the left-wing side of the global warming debate plotting to hide data and silence those on the other side in an effort prop up the notion of a “consensus” on the issue. But when the liberal side of the debate charged that their opponents were involved in a “conspiracy” to tilt the debate in their favor, those same networks eagerly jumped on the story and castigated the evil “deniers.” 

I don’t seek jail terms for them.  But the media and other “deniers” should be castigated by consumers and voters alike, because they’re lying to you and trying to deceive you through a purposeful, agenda-driven, ideologically-based omission of facts.  Our side never did that.

Joel Johannesen
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