It’s fantastic theater, this feigning of indignation over the government’s effort to pass Bill C-10 —what the left are blatantly, deceitfully, calling “censorship”. The liberal-left fundamentalists and their clerics in the far-left “art” community are doing what they do best: telling made-up stories as convincingly and with as much bullcrap emotion as they can. And ironically, they’re doing it largely thanks to our taxpayer cash funding. Only in Canada. Well, or Cuba, North Korea, the old Soviet Union, or China. Or Venezuela.
Rather than innocently “telling stories”, though, in this case I would rather characterize it more as “talking pure left-wing political crap and lies”, because actually that’s exactly what it is. This film or documentary should be called “Fabian Socialism”. Or “Liberal Fascism at Work”. Naturally, we must apply one of these logos at the end.
Suddenly it bothers the “artists” that the government would wish to take a role in deciding who among them and their often socialist or full-on communist tribe should get our taxpayer funding for their “art” films and “documentaries”? What a bad and deceptive storyline we’re funding. I wouldn’t fund this garbage using my cash if I had a choice.
None of them (the liberal-left fundies or their “artist” division) have bothered to explain to me or anyone in their media division (or at least the media isn’t forwarding their words to us… hmmm…) exactly who at their “Telefilm” investment division is charged with deciding exactly which “art” films or “documentaries” get the sacred “investment” of our taxpayer cash. Nor exactly who at the state-owned, state-funded,
state-run CBC gets to decide which shows they will fund, produce, then broadcast nationally, and at what times of the day, on our dime; nor which news items (or “news” items) the state-owned, state-funded, state-run media will (or will mysteriously decide NOT to) broadcast to us on their obviously liberal-left biased “Newsworld” channel’s news shows, or their main channel’s liberal-left biased “The National” news fests.
And who in tarnation made the decision to broadcast, then re-broadcast over, and over, and over, and over again, all those far-left radical Michael Moore crapumentaries —on CBC Newsworld yet —over the past years?
Hello? No answer? What is this—a silent film all of a sudden?
No you see all of that is A-OK with them. Huh. Well that’s just a weird ending.
The very fact that all these loser artists so rely on state funding for their very life should itself be a socialism / communism / liberal fascism wake-up call to sensible Canadians. But it isn’t. So this speaks, with big-theater Dolby surround-sound dyna-sound loudness, to the effectiveness, so far, of the countless and unaccountable tens of billions of dollars of taxpayer cash for their socialist / communist / liberal fascism crap to date. “Progressive” liberal-left fundamentalism and Fabian socialism: It’s working! Can’t wait for the sequel? Vote liberal!
Bill C-10 has all the liberal-left fundamentalists in a hilarious uproar, with nearly all of them blithely lying about it being “censorship”. Make no mistake—this is theater—they are lying. Spinning yet another tale, not unlike their Prophet Michael Moore. Talking down to us as if we’re complete and utter fools, which they clearly think you all are.
Apparently it’s now officially a liberal-left “Canadian Value” (which as we know are created by the liberals at the state level, much like in Iran) to dutifully advance all this left-wing political craptalk, as they did on the recent broadcast of “the Genies”—the left-wing shiny trinket award show. Whenever a Hollywood (or Toronto) liberal-leftist cries “censorship”, head for the hills—you’re being Punk’d.
Even George Jonas, National Post columnist who spent his column inches today defending the liberal-leftist opponents of Bill C-10 like his name-dropped movie producer friends, allowed this insight (before bizarrely invoking the words of the late Iranian nutbar Ayatollah Khomeini to help defend his point of view—which should tell you something about his point of view):
The government insists Bill C-10 isn’t censorship, and the government is right. Censorship is banning what some bureaucrats think is a skin-flick. Refusing to invest in, or give a tax-break to, what bureaucrats think is a skin-flick, is only a policy.
But that didn’t stop the intrepid CTV Newsnet anchor Mike Duffy from labeling it “CENSORSHIP FEARS”, yesterday in his show’s huge banner across the CTV Newsnet screen, and discussing it on that basis exclusively with a Liberal-left apologist (to the exclusion of any sensible conservative, naturally, as is usual for the liberal-left “news” media).
I wonder what the liberals and “artists” who are now in such high dudgeon over Bill C-10 would think if the government suddenly started funding, through “Telefilm” or another of their socialist (liberal fascist?) tools of social control and engineering, works promoting, say, Christianity, or traditional marriage as opposed to gay ‘marriage’, or the value of being a good solid social and fiscal conservative. I dare say their sensitive little left-wing artsy heads would begin exploding one by one. It would be like listening to popcorn popping at the movie theater. (I hope all you creative ‘artists’ and geniuses enjoyed that artful little popcorn image—it was provided free, and without taxpayer cash “investment”! But just in case…. !)
The state does not fund me with special tax breaks designed to encourage me to keep PTBC going, nor “invest” in this web site, nor help provide loans or any other “investment”. Perhaps that’s because the liberals who rule this land would have none of the anti-liberal, pro-conservative words emanating from me and my work which is being allowed into the public consciousness.
And join me in noting that the state-owned, state-run, state-funded CBC advertises on other web sites and all over all manner of media, but they certainly don’t advertise on this web site. Why do you suppose that is? Who made that decision? Should they not be forced to advertise here? Censorship!
Much as I always say state-owned and state-run media should be banned in this country, and that notion should be enshrined in our constitution, I think “Telefilm” and all related tools of the left and their so-called “art” division should be banned. And tax breaks for “art” or documentaries or drama or comedy should be completely cut. No government can manage that file and shouldn’t even try. It should be a completely private drama, or comedy, or propaganda drive.
The end.
- Proud To Be Canadian. But Maybe Not. - Tuesday December 17, 2024 at 2:07 pm
- Say something. - Friday October 25, 2024 at 6:03 pm
- Keep going, or veer right - Monday August 26, 2024 at 4:30 pm