Saturday, May 11, 2024

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Hannah and Her Blisters

Dear Concerned Grandparent:

I am so sorry to hear that your granddaughter has dropped out of school less than halfway through her course of study in English Literature at a public university supported by your tax dollars. I am especially sorry to hear that she has contracted herpes and that, just before Christmas, she spoke of ending her life.

Your granddaughter is like a lot of decent Christian girls who go to college with a solid Christian upbringing. But, then, after being exposed to the influence of radical feminism on campus they begin to “fall away.” In the case of Hannah it was certainly no accident. It was a result of the persistent intentional conduct of the administration.

Let me elaborate on the common theme behind all of the following incidents you described to me:

–      Your granddaughter was told by her dormitory resident assistant to question the sexual moral code her parents used to “restrict her sexual freedom.”

–      She was given condoms by an administrator on the way to her class in the psychology building where she saw signs saying “You’re never too drunk to put on a condom” and “Feeling spunky? Better wrap up his monkey.”

–      She saw assistants from the women’s center putting condoms on a vibrator just in front of the school cafeteria.

–      She was compelled to attend The Vagina Monologues by her English professor.

–      She was told by her Sociology professor that marriage is an oppressive institution imposed upon women by a sexist patriarchy – all for the benefit of men.

In other words, she was told to sleep around (even when drunk), to supplement masturbation with “safe sex,” and, finally, to be proud of her vagina throughout a lifetime of having endless sex partners outside the parameters of marriage.

All of this was supposed to make her happy but, of course, all of it was a lie. That is because the common theme in everything she hears from feminists is that true happiness could only be achieved by focusing on her sexuality and her sex organs.

I was so upset by the story of Hannah that I spent an entire afternoon calling Women’s Resource Centers (WRCs) across America to see whether any of them were involved in activities that do not involve sex organs and sexual intercourse.

I only managed to call twelve WRCs across America in the few short hours I had to explore this issue. I focused on these four questions:

1. Do you hand out condoms to students encouraging them to engage in casual premarital sexual intercourse?

2. Do you sponsor The Vagina Monologues – a play encouraging women to focus upon and, indeed, be proud of their sex organs?

3. Do you sponsor any programs that deal with the worldwide exploitation of women for sexual purposes – for example, child sexual slavery and child prostitution in Southeast Asia?

4. Do you sponsor any programs that condemn the mistreatment of women in radical Islamic nations? Specifically, do you focus on the sexual exploitation of women in the name of Islam?

I don’t have to tell you the gist of what I found. You can probably guess. But I’ll share the results anyway:

83% of the WRCs reported handing out condoms to female students encouraging them to engage in casual premarital sexual intercourse.

100% reported sponsoring The Vagina Monologues – a play encouraging women to focus upon and, indeed, be proud of their sex organs.

17% sponsored programs that deal with the worldwide exploitation of women for sexual purposes – for example, child sexual slavery and child prostitution in Southeast Asia.

0% who claimed to sponsor programs that deal with the worldwide exploitation of women for sexual purposes – for example, child sexual slavery and child prostitution in Southeast Asia – were able to name a single program they sponsored that dealt with the issue.

0% sponsored programs that condemn the mistreatment of women in radical Islamic nations. None focused on the sexual exploitation of women in the name of Islam.

The results of this small and unsophisticated survey would not change much if the sample size were increased tenfold to 120. One still would not be able to find much evidence that WRCs are interested in doing things for women who are truly suffering from inequality. Nor would one find many that disagree with the importance of enjoying sex and loving one’s vagina.

This all begins to make sense when you refer back to a recent column I wrote, which offered a new definition of feminism in the 21st Century. In the column, I defined feminism as a movement that seeks unlimited rights for women without corresponding responsibilities via the suppression of criticism of feminism.

Campus feminists seek the right to control their bodies under the mantra of “Sexual liberation.” They avoid responsibility under the mantra of “my body, my choice,” which seeks to suppress criticism, moreover input, on the issue of abortion coming from men or female critics of abortion.

Campus feminists seek the right to engage in vulgarity by sponsoring The Vagina Monologues. They avoid responsibility for spreading negative messages by enforcing speech codes, which suppress criticism of the play coming from opponents of feminism.

But, of course, feminism is failing on America’s campuses as Hannah’s story shows. The condoms kept her from getting pregnant. But they did not keep her from getting a broken heart and an STD. Now she’s having a tougher time feeling proud of her vagina. And her only hope is in the forgiveness offered by Christ, as opposed to the punishment promised by Allah.

It is a sad commentary that feminists are doing little to make women in other countries as well-off as women in America. But they are doing much to make college women as miserable as some women not fortunate enough to be born in America.

Mike S. Adams
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