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Updated: Liberal/NDP party government funds “think tank” that “advises” government to raise your taxes, just as they asked.

Imagine, if you will, a kind and generous soul makes an effort and bends down to feed a squirrel some nuts out of its hand.

But in this story, the squirrel paid the hand to feed it those nuts.

Well that ain’t right, is it? This is clearly not a natural phenomenon. It’s not “kind” at all! It is obviously an absurd notion in real life. It is in fact a corruption. The squirrel and the hand are both corrupt.

But back to real life. So the government funds “think tanks” with your tax dollars to provide them with the tax-raising “advice” they want… so they can “justify” raising your taxes based on “expert advice.” Again, all done with your tax dollars. How convenient for them (and clearly not you). And how utterly corrupt. Third world. Banana republic-like.

Lately, we’ve read news that the Liberal/NDP party government, and Trudeau personally, has secretly met with and has been advised by a certain “think thank” (a term I use loosely because they think like socialists) that the feds should raise your taxes. Specifically, to slap a capital gains tax on your own personal residence. The residence you bought with after-tax dollars that you somehow managed to save. This, on top of the innumerable other taxes you already pay and have paid on your home every year to multiple governments, and on its maintenance over your long, hard-working years. Seems “fair” right? Well that’s literally the word they use to describe it. “Fair.”

It took three seconds of painful research to find this on the “Funders” page of “Generation Squeeze” — an ardently left-wing, possibly even communist or socialist group run by a tenured professor from the (state-owned, state-funded!) University of BC:

The first two logos are those of well-known federal government agencies. The third, the Vancouver Foundation, which relies on charitable giving from “the wealthy,” is apparently comfortable being in this group demanding new and higher taxes on “the wealthy,” effectively ending any chance I’ll consider them for any of my charitable giving, and likely others will as well. (Are they run by complete idiots? Or are they progressives?)

Among their “Past funders” we will find other federal government agencies leading the list.

Then some others:

Vancity Credit Union is a far-left political activist credit union which supports every progressive cause in town.

UBC Community-University Engagement Support is a group within the now-clearly-left-wing (state-owned, state-funded!) UBC sphere of left-wing influence and activism. The guy who runs this left-wing agitprop federal-funded tax advisory group is a UBC professor. This UBC group (and I quote from their page) “welcomes applications from collaborative projects that advance:

  • Equity, diversity, and inclusion
  • Indigenous engagement and reconciliation…
  • Sustainability and climate action…”

So a left-wing group at a left-wing state-funded university is funding other left-wing causes which is in turn getting state-funding to help it advise the state on raising taxes so it can do more of this. The hands. The squirrels. They are so numerous.

Ratcliff and Company is “Aboriginal law firm representing First Nations and Indigenous clients.” Not that there’s anything wrong with that. I just wouldn’t have associated my law firm with an ardently left-wing cause having little or nothing to do with indigenous people except to harm them.

The Urban Development Institute seems out of place here because they ostensible work to “bridge” the interests of housing developers, builders, and governments, with the house-buying or renting community. Except they seem here to be comfortable harming the developers, builders, and house-buying and renting community, and only helping a clearly left-wing government to devise nefarious plans to raise more taxes on hard-wing community members. Some “bridge.”

Wesgroup charitable giving is not a real registered thing, it seems, but rather it is part of huge corporate housing developer, builder, and manager, called Wesgroup Properties. And I quote… “Wesgroup’s mission is to add real value to people’s lives.” To which I reply, wut? By taxing us even more by wringing more taxes out of people’s life savings which they invested in their homes during and after their lives of hard work, saving and paying taxes on a home built by you underhanded tax-raising advocates and supporters of left-wing agitprop groups? Yeah no. Hell no.


Squirrels — which can be quite cute — are classified as rodent. Rodents are mammals of the order Rodentia, which also includes rats. Luckily we can simply vote Rodentia and other progressive beings out if they don’t resign in disgrace or get arrested first.

UPDATE July 10, 2024:
My new understanding is that it’s worse than I thought. It’s not just about a tax on the gains made in selling the home — something which for years we were told by the “news” media and by the progressives was merely another crazy “conspiracy theory” dreamt-up by “those lying conservatives.”

Add this new “conspiracy theory” (which, like others, is literally printed in plain black ink in a report by the federally-funded pro-tax group): they are suggesting a new annual capital tax on homes. A tax on wealth. Like in communist countries.

According to a column in the National Post about the meeting Trudeau had with the group (a recording of which the author viewed), they discussed a report by the group which advocates for an annual surtax — a capital tax or wealth tax — on all homes valued in the market at over $1 million. This new capital/wealth tax would be an annual 1% on higher value homes. Or at least it would start at 1%. (What tax do progressives ever lower?)

Trudeau seemed, according to the author, 40-year veteran journalist Michael Higgins, quite open to the idea.

In case you don’t know, even modest homes in, say, Vancouver, cost more than a million dollars, most have have risen in value to $1.5 million or more, and many more are now worth two million-plus. Meaning another annual tax of — get this — $20,000.00 — twenty thousand dollars — or more — to be paid by the owners, many of them retired. Paid annually. Meaning they’d be forced to sell their homes, and to make do with less in life than they earned (sort of like paying a penalty for success); thus then also triggering the new capital gains tax on their primary residences — another penalty for success and hard work. This, in addition to the property taxes and all the other government charges on your “evil” private property.

That’s progressive. Though yes, it does all sound like plain old Marxism. It most certainly reeks of rat shit.

Joel Johannesen
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