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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Take This

I was going to go with “hot takes” for this post’s headline but I thought it was a little presumptuous and, obviously, subjective. I mean maybe you’ll say the take wasn’t hot. Or maybe the take was a given, in which case it would be a hot given, not a hot take. So many probs. Much give and take.

But yeah, I’m rambling, because I haven’t had the time or brainpower to engage here at PTBC lately, as at least one of you have noticed, including even now as I write this. The new and improvedI do have time for. It only requires a few quick blips of focus, time, and attention. And I can ramble off a scathing retort to a CTV “News” post or one from the Liberal Party and get 500 or a thousand “likes” lickity split.

But to live up to the hype (“hype”), here is an announcement in case you were expecting anything resembling a “hot” item of some/any sort: I’m going to change the PTBC site a little, to give myself an out when I’m too busy or un-brained to write anything substantial (and no, I’m not yet ready to get back into handling multiple columnists as in the days of yore, but I might seek-out a fill-in for when I’m lacking content production — contact me if interested).

The new change will involve a new batch of sections of the site including something called “Take This” — or something like that. I’m also market-testing “Take It.” Note that market testing involves sleeping on it and then deciding. It will be just short takes (not to be confused with newsquips — another site I’m working on — seriously). These takes will be on newsy or current things which I notice along the way but don’t really have time to write longform about, but which you should know about and will probably like knowing about because you’re smart, not dumb. Hot they may or may not be. But we can all agree they will be.

I think I may also bring back the once-famous PTBC “Oozing Brain Poo Of The Week Award,” because it’s so easy to find viable contestants, and it’s a quick post which works well on too.

Sure, the PTBCOBPOTWA winners are always progressives /liberals /commies —I’ll try to scratch up a list of previous winners when/if I find some extra time — but I’m not limiting the award to the lefties. Conservatives have a bad habit of oozing brain poo, especially right before an election. Like diarrheic bad. You know who you are. Take some verbal/cranial Pepto Bismol every damn day. And get ready because I’m going after you with all the shame that the Oozing Brain Poo Of The Week Award can bring you. (And yes, it sometimes is given out more than once per week, and sometimes not even once in a week. We’re cool and loose that way). As I did before, I’ll accept your submissions too.

That’s enough. BTW, have you cracked the code behind the feature photo attached to this post? I think it is a hot take.

Joel Johannesen
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