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JF Buckley: Intellectual Terrorist

Hello Professor Buckley (): My name is Mike S. Adams. I am a columnist at I am interested in writing a story on your harassment case. Could you tell me whether you actually wrote the following email?

As a gay man I have long ago realized that the world is full of homophobic, hate-mongers who, of course, say that they are not.  So, I am not shocked, only deeply saddened—and THREATENED—that such mindless folks are on this great campus.  I am ending now, with the hope that I have seriously challenged you Scott, and anyone who “thinks” as you purport to do.  You have made me fearful and uneasy being a gay man on this campus.  I am, in fact, notifying the OSU-M campus, and Ohio State University in general, that I no longer feel safe doing my job.  I am being harassed.

JF Buckley
Associate Professor
Department of English
The Ohio State University

Thank you for your help with the story. Sincerely,

Mike S. Adams

No response from Professor Buckley.

Professor Buckley ([email protected]): I am still interested in your sexual harassment charge against Scott Savage, a librarian at OSU. As you know, Mr. Savage has been accused of sexual harassment for recommending certain books for a freshman reading list. Is it wrong for a librarian to recommend books? Or is it wrong for a librarian to recommend books by authors with whom you disagree? Another member of the committee (named Hannibal) said that “…no position is held off-limits at an institution like OSU.” Do you agree with her? Please respond.

Mike S. Adams

Still no response from Professor Buckley.

Hello Professor Jones ([email protected]): My name is Mike S. Adams. I am a columnist at I am interested in writing a story on the Scott Savage sexual harassment case. Could you tell me whether you actually wrote the following email?

I would add, however, that whatever book we choose should have some scholarly merit. The anti-gay book Scott Savage endorses (below) falsely claims that “the widely revered father of the ‘sexual revolution’ has been irrefutably exposed as a full-fledged sexual psychopath who encouraged pedophilia.” This is a factually untrue characterization of Dr. Kinsey and his work on every point (including “widely revered father of the ‘sexual revolution’”). By any scholarly standards, regardless of whether one is more conservative or liberal, this kind of claim is a Jerry-Springer-style anti-factual rabble-rousing that has no place in any university. I am frankly embarrassed for you, Scott, that you would endorse this kind of homophobic tripe.


Thank you for your help with the story. Sincerely,

Mike S. Adams

No response from Professor Jones.

Dear Professor Hamlin ([email protected]): My name is Mike S. Adams. I am a columnist at I am interested in writing a story on the Scott Savage sexual harassment case. Could you tell me why you wrote that “…no position is held off-limits at an institution like OSU” before Scott Savage recommended a book critical of homosexuality? I ask this because after he recommended such a book you wrote that “Some of the books (Scott Savage) suggest(s) seem to me inappropriate for the freshman program for the reasons I’ve already mentioned.”

I am also interested in your general comments on the sexual harassment charges.

Thank you for your help with the story. Sincerely,

Mike S. Adams

No response from Professor Hamlin.

Hello again Professor Buckley ([email protected]): Mike S. Adams, here. I am still interested in writing a story on your sexual harassment case. But it appears that you are unwilling to respond. I just wanted to let you know that I will run your entire email explaining why you feel “harassed” and “threatened.” I urge you to reconsider your sexual harassment charges against Scott Savage. You are on the verge of bringing both humiliation and litigation to The Ohio State University. If you continue to try to destroy this man for expressing his First Amendment rights you will lose. I guarantee it.


I am taking this conversation (well, it is hardly a conversation, rather light being sucked into a black hole of bias) public because it involves what I once thought was a library for intellectual and philosophical pursuits. 

Within the past few hours I have received copies of Norman Jones’s responses to Scott Savage’s recommendations that we have students in Donna Hight’s wonderful First-Year Reading Experience read and discuss The Marketing of Evil by David Kupelian.  According to Mr. Savage’s citation of the cover, this book “reveals how much of what Americans once almost universally abhorred has been packaged, perfumed, gift-wrapped and sold to them as though it had great value,” presumably in higher education. 

First, I am unable to explain why anyone other than a dogmatic elitist who was not only threatened by, but actually hated, difference would recommend any book by Kupelian.  As anyone with a computer can tell, Kupelian’s work is not vetted; that is, it does not acknowledge any perspective other than it s [sic] own, and it claims no responsibility for accurately reporting what others have done. 

In fact, David Kupelian calls himself the Managing Editor of World Net Daily, a commentary forum, on the website of which he bemoans the cultural loss of such television programs as “The Lone Ranger,” “The Mickey Mouse Club,” and, for that matter, he says he misses the days when all we had was “a little black-and-white TV” on which to see such programs. 

Rather than waste your time with the paucity of intellectual rigor that Kupelian brings to the table, I encourage you to visit his website, and see for yourself his unmitigated homophobia and xenophobia.  In short, he is a pontificating, phobic, cultural atavism bemoaning the loss of an (Anglo) America that only existed on such shows as “The Lone Ranger.”  If he really engaged with the show, he would know that literary and film critics have long ago exposed the show’s racist treatment of Native Americans.  Of course, Kupelian wants an (Anglo)America in which he need not—in fact will not—engage with the diversity and difference that constitutes the country that actually exists—and has always existed—outside his parochialism. 

In short, I am shocked that a “librarian,” even someone purporting to be one, would actually recommend a book that preaches and argues against the reasons to engage with otherness.  Yet, more importantly, when a scholar of Norman Jones’s stature and years of research in matters biblical and literary and cultural asks that entering students involved in The First-Year Experience read a book that has “some scholarly merit ,” and not one that, for example, misreads Kinsey, his expertise should be at least considered for what it is—scholarly insight.  This is not what happened, however.  Scott Savage responded with the following:

“I know that there are always people who think that some books must never be read or discussed, because they are beyond the pale of what can be discussed, beyond polarizing, to the point of being illegitimate.” 

No, Scott, Norman said a book should be willing to engage with difference.  You are the only one I see that is myopic.  In fact, you go on to cite rankings on Amazon to validate Kupelian and Ehrenreich , who supports him.  Are we to turn to Amazon for sales figures to validate a book. [sic]  Perhaps you better look how well pornography sells before you put your intellectually rotten eggs in the basket of popularity.

As a gay man I have long ago realized that the world is full of homophobic, hate-mongers who, of course, say that they are not.  So, I am not shocked, only deeply saddened—and THREATENED—that such mindless folks are on this great campus.  I am ending now, with the hope that I have seriously challenged you Scott, and anyone who “thinks” as you purport to do.  You have made me fearful and uneasy being a gay man on this campus.  I am, in fact, notifying the OSU-M campus, and Ohio State University in general, that I no longer feel safe doing my job.  I am being harassed.

JF Buckley
Associate Professor
Department of English
The Ohio State University



In my trauma over the horrid state of affairs arising out of the selction [sic] of a book for the First-Year Experience, in which a scholar as outstanding in sexuality studies like Terri Fisher, and a scholar as outstanding in queer studies as Norman Jones, are not given the courtesy of intellectual engagement—while a self-promoting pontificator like Judith Reisman is quoted as an expert—I made the mistake of saying that Barbara Ehrenreich supported Kupelian.  I meant that the likes of Reisman would be likely to do so. I apologize.  (See how it is done.  When one makes a mistake, one can admit it.)

It seems more than odd when those accusing academia of being elitist and insular and dissmissive [sic] are the very ones who actually are elitist and insular. 

Again, I want to go on public record as saying that I, as a gay man, no longer feel at ease at OSU-M to use the library or teach in a manner that tries dilligently [sic] to engage every perspective—save that of the bigot.

JF Buckley


…To be continued

The Young America’s Foundation and the University of New Hampshire College Republicans will host a speech by DR. MIKE ADAMS on Tuesday, April 18, MUB Theater, Room 2 at 7 pm. The event is free and open to the public. However, angry feminists will be charged $20; $40 if carrying a pair of scissors.

Mike S. Adams
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