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Foreign objective

Bush doing extremely well at home—and overseas

SAN DIEGO—President Bill Clinton was so focused on the economy and other domestic issues he never paid much attention to the rise of Islamic terrorism.

Which is why the U.S. and its allies are in Afghanistan and Iraq today and why President George W. Bush—who hasn’t the leisure time to ignore world events—keeps asking Congress for tens of billions more dollars to prevent another 9/11.

Or worse now that Iran’s wild-eyed madman Mamoud Ahmadinejad is rushing to get his hands on nuclear weapons and throw us into a nightmare world.

Even the Democrats are getting concerned about this one.

The call now is we must stop Ahmadinejad from obtaining WMDs by any means possible.

Halt this lunatic before he actually has WMDs.

Well, isn’t that what we did with Saddam Hussein?

Saddam boasted he already had WMDs—and he certainly had huge arsenals of poison gas for mass slaughter—and so when Bush, Britain’s Tony Blair and a significant number of other allies went in we captured Saddam, ended his notorious regime, brought democracy to Iraq, and in doing so, removed the threat posed by Saddam to obtain nuclear weapons.

But now the Democrats—or most of them, since you never know which side of an issue Hillary Clinton is on from one day to the next—condemn Bush for doing just what just about every world leader wants to do to Ahmadinejad and his regime in Iran.

France’s Jacques Chirac—who scorned Bush over Iraq—now warns his government is prepared to use its own nuclear weapons against his nation’s enemies in retaliation for a nuclear attack if necessary.

This is a real turn of events isn’t it?

The pontificating pacifist has a new philosophy these days.

Clinton had ignored the rise of Islamic terrorism—despite a growing number of bombings of U.S. installations—because he believed Bush’s father, President H.W. Bush—had lost the 1992 presidential election because he had been far too interested in foreign policy.

Remember “It’s the economy, stupid?”

So to the detriment of us all, the man with the loose zipper concentrated almost solely on the economy and domestic issues.

For those who hope the Republicans are going to be politically slaughtered in the mid-term elections in November—with the Democrats gaining control of the Senate—the news isn’t quite as rosy as they believe. The reason?—the economy under Bush’s guidance and tax cuts.

The U.S. jobless rate has fallen to almost a five-year low of 4.7% and this January alone almost 200,000 new jobs were created.

That was up from 140,000 new jobs in December 2005.

In Canada, in January, we lost 41,000 jobs and our jobless rate edged up to 6.6%!

In 2004, slightly more than two million new jobs were created in the U.S., and in 2005 just slightly less than that number of new jobs were created.

This is all while giants such as General Motors and Ford stagger from one crisis to another crisis.

If Americans care more about jobs and a buoyant economy than anything else—Clinton’s belief—then the GOP isn’t in as bad a shape as some Democrats and Lib-Lefters contend.

Bush’s approval rating may be down—Clinton’s approval rate was even lower at one point—but the U.S. is winning the war in Iraq, combatting Islamic terrorism in other areas, and the economy is rolling along.

When you have people such as the accident-prone Al Gore, John ( ‘Soldier boy’ ) Kerry and cranky Howard Dean—and

the opportunistic Hillary—pulling the levers of the Democratic party, it hardly gives voters much reason for taking out some unspecified vengeance on the Republicans at the mid- term vote.

It took the free world six years to win the Second World War against Nazi Germany and Imperialistic Japan, and 45 years from 1945 on to break the back of Soviet Communism and free its slave states.

Seen in this perspective, Bush is doing remarkably well in his foreign adventures, and extremely well in his domestic initiatives, despite skyrocketing oil prices and hurricane Katrina, which have hardly helped the economy at home.

If Democrats are looking for the real culprit of their country’s entanglement in Iraq it’s with the 42nd president, not the 43rd.

And the 42nd president rides a donkey, not an elephant.


Paul Jackson
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