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Democrats stray

Vulture who resembles a sparrow leads party to the extreme fringe

DALLAS—It would be hard to find a nastier piece of political work than Nancy Pelosi, the shrieking Democratic leader in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Which is saying something considering failed Chappaquiddick lifeguard Teddy Kennedy is still haunting the halls of Washington preaching high morality to one and all.

The strident Pelosi is like Canada’s own former Liberal deputy prime minister Sheila Copps during her rat-pack days without the class.

That Copps had little class only emphasizes the harridan-like antics of Pelosi.

The California congresswoman is a knee-jerk politician who comes out bad-mouthing President George W. Bush and any other Republican on each and every issue.

Tune in Fox News—the best all-news TV station on the continent—and you’ll be appalled by how shrill this woman is.

No Republican can do anything right. Ever.

Which is like suggesting no Democrat can do anything right, which is not a belief I personally hold.

So, let’s be non-partisan—which the apparently brain-addled Pelosi never can be—and admit the bulk of men and women in both the Republican and Democratic parties are good decent people. So are most of the people who vote for them.

OK, OK—both parties have their extremist voices, with the Democrats holding by far a commanding lead in that field.

For instance, the Republicans, according to Democrat National Committee chairman and failed presidential candidate Howard Dean, represent the “dark side of America.”

So dark, Dean squawked, that few Republicans have ever made an honest living.

The mouthy Dean was hauled into the woodshed for those slurs by the fair-minded Democratic Minority Senate leader Harry Reid of Nevada.

Reid, of course, is an anomaly in that party today, somewhat like Senator Joe Lieberman.

Pelosi is the female equivalent of Dean and appears to spend most of her days dreaming up big ‘D’ adjectives as the base to describe Bush and every other Republican she comes across: Republicans are deceitful and duplicitous; dangerous and derogatory to American values.

Yup, like Dean, Pelosi has likely never even heard of Dale Carnegie, let alone cracked open his legendary bestseller How to Win Friends and Influence People.

Surely a lot of Democrats are bitter because they have lost seven of the past 10 presidential elections.

Yet, for that, they do not blame their own policies or off-the-wall personalities. No, they just think the mass of rank-and-file voters who cast ballots for the Republicans are dumb. They need to be educated. How’s that for arrogance?

Pelosi claims Bush is “in denial” about what his policies are doing to the United States.

That economically the U.S. under Bush has created a staggering two-million new jobs over the past 12 months alone escapes the likes of Pelosi, Dean, Kennedy and others of their raucous ilk who see nothing but despair and depression coming out of the Bush White House.

Hurricane Katrina may well breach the buoyant economy just as it breached New Orleans. But that won’t be Bush’s fault—except to listen to Pelosi it surely will be.

She seems to have taken on the mantle of muckraking filmmaker Michael Moore and the Hollywood cabal that slurs Bush at every touch and turn.

What Pelosi doesn’t realize—but decent Democrats like Reid and Lieberman do—is Moore and the Hollywood cabal lost the Democrats’ slabs of the voting public.

Yet, in their frustration and panic, Democrats akin to Pelosi are taking a page from another muckraker—author Kitty Kelley, she of the fictitious Frank Sinatra and other unauthorized biographies—and using even the wildest exaggerated rumour as gospel to attack Bush and other GOP politicians.

Pelosi doesn’t look the usual scary, bad-mouthing shrew—physically she’s a delicately-boned, sparrow-like woman in the image of, say French cafe singer Edith Piaf, but that’s where the resemblance ends. For Pelosi, rather than being a dainty sparrow, imitates a vulture after clawing at a good meal of carrion.

What’s to become of this beleaguered party?

Well, as I’ve said before, they should surely listen to former New York Mayor Ed Koch, who pleads the Democrats should shed their radical image and get back to the centre.

But, with the likes of Dean and Pelosi leading the march, that is highly unlikely.


Paul Jackson
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