Thursday, May 2, 2024

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Unlucky you. You are the 118th caller from the Conservative Party

…And I finally answered this time, even though I was going to wait until the 120th call.  Yes, I’ve logged the last 118 calls, all of which have gone unanswered because I honestly thought that after 117 unanswered calls, they’d get a clue.  Alas, no, they didn’t get a clue.  They still don’t have a clue. 

I was in a particularly foul mood this time because I was awaiting an important call, and this asinine call once again took me away from something important. I answered and was greeted by a woman who, after about 10 seconds of me repeatedly saying “hello”, finally pushed the “I got a hot one!” button on her Hellacious Hal 666 Robomarketing ‘n G-D Fund Raising Auto-Dialer-o-Freakin’ Matic, and once her noggin-mounted mouthpiece went live,  proceeded with her ritual by…. presuming to call me “Joel”. 

“Hello Joel, I’m calling from the Conservative Party and blah blah blah yickity-yack…”

This is problematic. 

People who should be bending over backward to impress me and treat me with their utmost respect and reverence — especially those who call me at my castle on my weekend to ask me for (more of) my money —and who then begin that call by referring to me, uninvited, by my first name alone, will never, ever, get anything out of me, except a return of the favor:  a like-minded disrespect and irreverence. Call me an overly sensitive and old-fashioned conservative twerp (I’ve been called far worse, like “Nazi” and “idiot” and “homophobe”), but yes, I yearn for the stupid old days when sales people’s initial inclination was to show some basic respect and decorum and politeness, especially when bothering me at home to ask me to give them my money for absolutely no tangible benefit to me in return, except possibly more of just this sort of request of me for still another donation to that political party. 

I’m not as pure as the driven snow, nor are my feelings and emotions as tender as a typical liberal’s, but you’d think that a political party which calls itself the Conservative Party would at least establish itself, in its calls, as a group of people who hold to the basic, traditional value of decorum and old-fashioned modicum of respect, simply by calling people Mr. so-and-so, rather than presuming to call them by their first name —you know, the way news reporters call the leader of the you’ve got to be kidding party “Jack”, on account of their being pals.  But even that little nugget of conservatism has been tossed now by the progressive, age of Obama Conservatives, who now see no need to be anything like conservative.  Even when they don’t (but should) know me from Adam (whom I swear has no last name or I’d refer to him proper-like). 

Anyway, after I almost immediately managed to cut off her spiel and told her to take me off their sales call list after being called 118 times (and you know how it goes, they purposely start talking and talking non-stop, giving you no chance to even politely say “not interested”), she became sort of passive-aggressive and annoying and inquired as to why I didn’t want to be called again, which, in and of itself I find irksome, particularly after my telling her this was the 118th call.  But unless I heard it wrong, it was that she asked if it was that I didn’t believe in the conservative values (or something) any longer —or in any case, some such excruciatingly annoying — and blindingly ironic — BS.  And it was done in an all too cynical, almost mocking tone.  She was rude, plain and simple.

Now, I don’t know if it’s clear among my readership or not, but this inquiry as to whether or not I, of all people in Canada, believed in “conservative” anything, is something I could find somewhat, I don’t know, mildly rage-inducing, if that isn’t too much of an oxymoron (and since even Conservative Party folks don’t find the state-owned, socialism-reliant news broadcaster CBC presenting hourly reports on business to be an oxymoron, I’ll assume this also isn’t).  If they at Conservative Party HQ don’t read my blog and don’t have a clue who I am, and know they shouldn’t include me on their sales call list by now, they’re simply willfully ignorant, and need better intelligence.  Actually, that last bit could be said in any case.  But I digress.  Forget the rudeness.  The very fact that they’ve apparently got no clue who I am alone drives me nuts, inasmuch as I have spent the past many years and spent tons of my cash ranting about the value of conservative principles, usually touting that party if begrudgingly at times, but yes, I’ve also lamented over how that party has almost completed its apparent goal of finally forgetting every last vestige of actual conservative principle. 

Hideously, I presume that my last donation to the Party (which was of the maximum amount allowed by law variety), helped pay for all of this.  Which ironically puts them in almost the same league as the CBC in a weird sort of way.  And the CBC is something they also support not just in principle but with my cash.  Which also drives me batty inasmuch as it should normally help explain why I wouldn’t ante-up my supporting cash when they come a-calling.

So this is all, shall we say, very swear-word swear-word annoying.  And here I thought being a liberal was hard. 

Suffice it to say I did not offer-up any cash.  And for the record, my do not call me any more “confirmation number” is supposedly 16213759, which seems like a very long number to me.  That many folks, huh?  Unless “Patricia”, the Hellacious Hal 666 Robomarketing ‘n G-D Fund Raising Auto-Dialer-o-Freakin’ Matic engineer who, considering how my day is going, may also belong to the CAW, was lying to me.  In which case I’d be really annoyed…

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Joel Johannesen
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