Friday, April 19, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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Time to play our little game: Imagine if Sarah Palin said it! Cue game show music!

Ready to play?


“It means all the world to us to know that there are prayer circles out there and people who are keeping the spirits clean around us!!”

Oh my!  “prayer circles” and “keeping the ‘spirits clean’”!  Dear me! 

Who said it?  Which Christian conservative “freak”?  Christine O’Donnell the “witch”, um, “idiot”, um “extremist”, ‘n “fascist”, uh, “homophobe” from Delaware?  Or Sarah Palin the “idiot”, uh, “nutbar”, um, “fascist”, did I say “idiot” yet, from Alaska? 

None of the above!  It was Barack Obama’s ever so level-headed wife Michelle Obama.  Yesterday!

Let’s listen!

Well damn that was “spiritually cleansing”!  Now it’s on to the bonus round! 



Imagine if Sarah Palin or Christine O’Donnell said it! 

And notice how not one single person in the liberal lamestream media said anything!  Ahhhh!  Good times! 

Once again, we in, they lose!

Tune in next week hour minute for another round!

Joel Johannesen
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